type t
exception Fatal_error of (Bogue.Layout.t * string)
type room_content =
Rooms of Bogue.Layout.t list
| Resident of Bogue.Widget.t
type adjust = Fit | Width | Height | Nothing
type background
val color_bg : Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Layout.background
val opaque_bg : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Layout.background
val style_bg : Bogue.Style.t -> Bogue.Layout.background
val theme_bg : Bogue.Layout.background
val set_background :
Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.background option -> unit
val unload_background : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
module Resize : sig type strategy = Disable | Linear | Default end
val empty :
?name:string ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
w:int -> h:int -> unit -> Bogue.Layout.t
val resident :
?name:string ->
?x:int ->
?y:int ->
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?draggable:bool ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?keyboard_focus:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val flat_of_w :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?h:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?widget_bg:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val tower_of_w :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?w:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?widget_bg:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val flat :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?adjust:Bogue.Layout.adjust ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?margins:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?shadow:Bogue.Style.shadow ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val tower :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?margins:int ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?adjust:Bogue.Layout.adjust ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?shadow:Bogue.Style.shadow ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val superpose :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?name:string ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?center:bool ->
?scale_content:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val make_clip :
?w:int ->
?scrollbar:bool ->
?scrollbar_inside:bool ->
?scrollbar_width:int ->
?on_scroll:(int -> unit) -> h:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val xpos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val ypos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val width : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val height : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_size : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int
val get_physical_size : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int
val getx : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_oldx : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val gety : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_oldy : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val is_shown : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val widget : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Widget.t
val top_house : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val get_content : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.room_content
val get_rooms : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t list
val has_resident : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val auto_scale : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val resize_keep_margins :
?margin:int ->
?min_width:int ->
?min_height:int ->
?max_width:int -> ?max_height:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val disable_resize : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val on_resize : Bogue.Layout.t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_width :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool -> ?update_bg:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_height :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool -> ?update_bg:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_size :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool ->
?update_bg:bool -> ?w:int -> ?h:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val setx : ?keep_resize:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val sety : ?keep_resize:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_show : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool -> unit
val set_shadow : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Style.shadow option -> unit
val fix_content : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fit_content : ?sep:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_rooms : Bogue.Layout.t -> ?sync:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> unit
val replace_room : by:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val set_enabled : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool -> unit
val iter_unload_textures : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val lock : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val unlock : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val animate_x : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_y : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val stop_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val animate_w : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_h : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_alpha : Bogue.Layout.t -> float Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_angle : Bogue.Layout.t -> float Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val hide :
?duration:int -> ?towards:Bogue.Avar.direction -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val show :
?duration:int -> ?from:Bogue.Avar.direction -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fade_in :
?duration:int ->
?from_alpha:float -> ?to_alpha:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fade_out :
?duration:int ->
?from_alpha:float ->
?to_alpha:float -> ?hide:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val rotate :
?duration:int ->
?from_angle:float -> angle:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val slide_in :
?duration:int ->
?from:Bogue.Avar.direction ->
?dst:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val slide_to : ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> unit
val follow_mouse :
?dx:int ->
?dy:int ->
?modifierx:(int -> int) ->
?modifiery:(int -> int) -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val oscillate :
?duration:int -> ?frequency:float -> int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val zoom :
?duration:int ->
from_factor:float -> to_factor:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val reflat :
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int -> ?margins:int -> ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val retower :
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int -> ?margins:int -> ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val window_opt : Bogue.Layout.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.window option
val show_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val hide_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_window_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> unit
val get_window_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int option * int option
val push_close : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val destroy_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val inside : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> bool
val claim_keyboard_focus : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_cursor : Bogue.Layout.t option -> unit
val containing_widget : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Layout.t option