module Theme :
val room_margin : int
val scale_int : int -> int
val set_text_font : string -> unit
val set_label_font : string -> unit
val set_scale : float -> unit
val set_integer_scale : bool -> unit
val find_share : string -> string -> string option
val get_path : ?path:string list -> string -> string
val get_font_path_opt : string -> string option
module Utils :
val printd : int -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val debug : bool Stdlib.ref
val debug_code : int Stdlib.ref
val debug_thread : int
val debug_warning : int
val debug_graphics : int
val debug_error : int
val debug_io : int
val debug_memory : int
val debug_board : int
val debug_event : int
val debug_custom : int
val pi : float
val round : float -> int
val imax : int -> int -> int
val imin : int -> int -> int
val go : 'a Tsdl.Sdl.result -> 'a
val map_option : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b option
val do_option : 'a option -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
val default : 'a option -> 'a -> 'a
exception None_option
val remove_option : 'a option -> 'a
val ( let@ ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val run : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module Time :
type t = int
val now : unit -> Bogue.Time.t
val adaptive_fps :
?vsync:bool -> int -> (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
module Var :
type 'a t
val create : 'a -> 'a Bogue.Var.t
val get : 'a Bogue.Var.t -> 'a
val set : 'a Bogue.Var.t -> 'a -> unit
val with_protect : 'a Bogue.Var.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
val protect_fn : 'a Bogue.Var.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
module Timeout :
type t
val add : int -> (unit -> unit) -> Bogue.Timeout.t
val cancel : Bogue.Timeout.t -> unit
module Trigger :
type t = Tsdl.Sdl.event_type
val text_input : Bogue.Trigger.t
val key_down : Bogue.Trigger.t
val key_up : Bogue.Trigger.t
val startup : Bogue.Trigger.t
val mouse_enter : Bogue.Trigger.t
val mouse_leave : Bogue.Trigger.t
val mouse_at_rest : Bogue.Trigger.t
val var_changed : Bogue.Trigger.t
val update : Bogue.Trigger.t
val user_event : Bogue.Trigger.t
val buttons_down : Bogue.Trigger.t list
val buttons_up : Bogue.Trigger.t list
val pointer_motion : Bogue.Trigger.t list
val should_exit : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> bool
val will_exit : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit
val nice_delay : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> float -> unit
val push_quit : unit -> unit
val wait_for :
?timeout:float -> ?ev:Tsdl.Sdl.event -> (unit -> bool) -> unit
type sdl_event = Tsdl.Sdl.Event.enum
type bogue_event =
[ `Bogue_destroy_window
| `Bogue_keyboard_focus
| `Bogue_keymap_changed
| `Bogue_mouse_at_rest
| `Bogue_mouse_enter
| `Bogue_mouse_focus
| `Bogue_mouse_leave
| `Bogue_redraw
| `Bogue_remove_focus
| `Bogue_startup
| `Bogue_stop
| `Bogue_stopped
| `Bogue_sync_action
| `Bogue_update
| `Bogue_var_changed ]
val event_kind :
Tsdl.Sdl.event ->
[ `App_did_enter_background
| `App_did_enter_foreground
| `App_low_memory
| `App_terminating
| `App_will_enter_background
| `App_will_enter_foreground
| `Audio_device_added
| `Audio_device_removed
| `Bogue_destroy_window
| `Bogue_keyboard_focus
| `Bogue_keymap_changed
| `Bogue_mouse_at_rest
| `Bogue_mouse_enter
| `Bogue_mouse_focus
| `Bogue_mouse_leave
| `Bogue_redraw
| `Bogue_remove_focus
| `Bogue_startup
| `Bogue_stop
| `Bogue_stopped
| `Bogue_sync_action
| `Bogue_update
| `Bogue_var_changed
| `Clipboard_update
| `Controller_axis_motion
| `Controller_button_down
| `Controller_button_up
| `Controller_device_added
| `Controller_device_remapped
| `Controller_device_removed
| `Display_event
| `Dollar_gesture
| `Dollar_record
| `Drop_begin
| `Drop_complete
| `Drop_file
| `Drop_text
| `Finger_down
| `Finger_motion
| `Finger_up
| `Joy_axis_motion
| `Joy_ball_motion
| `Joy_button_down
| `Joy_button_up
| `Joy_device_added
| `Joy_device_removed
| `Joy_hat_motion
| `Key_down
| `Key_up
| `Keymap_changed
| `Mouse_button_down
| `Mouse_button_up
| `Mouse_motion
| `Mouse_wheel
| `Multi_gesture
| `Quit
| `Render_device_reset
| `Render_targets_reset
| `Sensor_update
| `Sys_wm_event
| `Text_editing
| `Text_input
| `Unknown of int
| `User_event
| `Window_event ]
module Mixer :
type t
type sound = (int, Stdlib.Bigarray.int16_signed_elt) Tsdl.Sdl.bigarray
type repeat = Repeat of int | Forever
val test : unit -> unit
val init : unit -> string option
val create_mixer :
?tracks:int -> ?freq:int -> string option -> Bogue.Mixer.t
val load_chunk : Bogue.Mixer.t -> string -> Bogue.Mixer.sound
val play_chunk :
?track:int ->
?effects:(Bogue.Mixer.sound -> unit) list ->
?volume:float ->
?repeat:Bogue.Mixer.repeat ->
Bogue.Mixer.t -> Bogue.Mixer.sound -> int option
val change_volume : float -> Bogue.Mixer.sound -> unit
val pause : Bogue.Mixer.t -> unit
val unpause : Bogue.Mixer.t -> unit
val close : Bogue.Mixer.t -> unit
module Sync : sig val push : (unit -> unit) -> unit end
module Draw :
type canvas
type texture = Tsdl.Sdl.texture
val video_init : unit -> unit
val quit : unit -> unit
type rgb = int * int * int
type color = int * int * int * int
type fill = Pattern of Bogue.Draw.texture | Solid of Bogue.Draw.color
val black : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val grey : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val pale_grey : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val dark_grey : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val white : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val red : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val blue : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val green : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val magenta : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val cyan : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val yellow : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val sienna : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val label_color : Bogue.Draw.rgb
val none : Bogue.Draw.color
val opaque : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Draw.color
val transp : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Draw.color
val lighter : Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Draw.color
val darker : Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Draw.color
val set_alpha : int -> Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Draw.color
val random_color : unit -> Bogue.Draw.color
val find_color : string -> Bogue.Draw.rgb
val pale : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Draw.rgb
val set_color : Tsdl.Sdl.renderer -> Bogue.Draw.color -> unit
val set_text_color : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> unit
val to_pixels : int * int -> int * int
val line :
?thick:int ->
Tsdl.Sdl.renderer ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
x0:int -> y0:int -> x1:int -> y1:int -> unit
val rectangle :
?thick:int ->
Tsdl.Sdl.renderer ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color -> w:int -> h:int -> x:int -> y:int -> unit
val circle :
?thick:int ->
Tsdl.Sdl.renderer ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color -> radius:int -> x:int -> y:int -> unit
type layer
val use_new_layer : unit -> unit
type align = Min | Center | Max
val unscale_size : int * int -> int * int
val set_system_cursor : Tsdl.Sdl.System_cursor.t -> unit
module Mouse :
val pointer_pos : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> int * int
val pos : unit -> int * int
val window_pos : Tsdl.Sdl.window -> int * int
val button_pos : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> int * int
val finger_pos : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> float * float
val wheel_y : Tsdl.Sdl.event -> int
val set_wheel_speed : float -> unit
module Tvar :
type ('a, 'b) t
val create :
'a Bogue.Var.t ->
t_from:('a -> 'b) -> t_to:('b -> 'a) -> ('a, 'b) Bogue.Tvar.t
val get : ('a, 'b) Bogue.Tvar.t -> 'b
val set : ('a, 'b) Bogue.Tvar.t -> 'b -> unit
module Avar :
type 'a t
type callback = unit -> unit
val create :
?duration:Bogue.Time.t ->
?init:Bogue.Avar.callback ->
?ending:Bogue.Avar.callback ->
?finished:bool ->
?update:('a Bogue.Avar.t -> float -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a Bogue.Avar.t
val apply : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Bogue.Avar.t -> 'b Bogue.Avar.t
val fromto :
?duration:int ->
?ending:Bogue.Avar.callback -> int -> int -> int Bogue.Avar.t
val fromto_unif :
?duration:int ->
?ending:Bogue.Avar.callback -> int -> int -> int Bogue.Avar.t
val oscillate :
?duration:int -> ?frequency:float -> int -> int -> int Bogue.Avar.t
val var : 'a -> 'a Bogue.Avar.t
val get : 'a Bogue.Avar.t -> 'a
val progress : 'a Bogue.Avar.t -> float
val reset : 'a Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
type direction =
| Left
| Right
| Top
| Bottom
| TopLeft
| TopRight
| BottomLeft
| BottomRight
| Random
module Selection :
type t
val empty : Bogue.Selection.t
val is_empty : Bogue.Selection.t -> bool
val size : Bogue.Selection.t -> int
val to_list : Bogue.Selection.t -> (int * int) list
val of_list : (int * int) list -> Bogue.Selection.t
val range : int * int -> Bogue.Selection.t
val first : Bogue.Selection.t -> int
val last : Bogue.Selection.t -> int
val mem : Bogue.Selection.t -> int -> bool
val toggle : Bogue.Selection.t -> int -> Bogue.Selection.t
val remove : Bogue.Selection.t -> int -> Bogue.Selection.t
val add : Bogue.Selection.t -> int -> Bogue.Selection.t
val union : Bogue.Selection.t -> Bogue.Selection.t -> Bogue.Selection.t
val intersect :
Bogue.Selection.t -> Bogue.Selection.t -> Bogue.Selection.t
val invert :
first:int -> last:int -> Bogue.Selection.t -> Bogue.Selection.t
val sprint : Bogue.Selection.t -> string
val iter : (int -> unit) -> Bogue.Selection.t -> unit
module Image :
type t
val create :
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?noscale:bool ->
?bg:Bogue.Draw.color -> ?angle:float -> string -> Bogue.Image.t
val create_from_svg :
?width:int ->
?height:int -> ?bg:Bogue.Draw.color -> string -> Bogue.Image.t
module Style :
type t
type line_style = Solid | Dotted of (int * int)
type line
type border
type shadow
type gradient
type background =
Image of Bogue.Image.t
| Solid of Bogue.Draw.color
| Gradient of Bogue.Style.gradient
val create :
?background:Bogue.Style.background ->
?border:Bogue.Style.border ->
?shadow:Bogue.Style.shadow -> unit -> Bogue.Style.t
val empty : Bogue.Style.t
val of_bg : Bogue.Style.background -> Bogue.Style.t
val of_border : Bogue.Style.border -> Bogue.Style.t
val of_shadow : Bogue.Style.shadow -> Bogue.Style.t
val with_bg : Bogue.Style.background -> Bogue.Style.t -> Bogue.Style.t
val with_border : Bogue.Style.border -> Bogue.Style.t -> Bogue.Style.t
val with_shadow : Bogue.Style.shadow -> Bogue.Style.t -> Bogue.Style.t
val theme_bg : Bogue.Style.background
val color_bg : Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Style.background
val opaque_bg : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Style.background
val image_bg : Bogue.Image.t -> Bogue.Style.background
val gradient :
?angle:float -> Bogue.Draw.color list -> Bogue.Style.background
val hgradient : Bogue.Draw.color list -> Bogue.Style.background
val vgradient : Bogue.Draw.color list -> Bogue.Style.background
val mk_line :
?color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?width:int ->
?style:Bogue.Style.line_style -> unit -> Bogue.Style.line
val mk_border : ?radius:int -> Bogue.Style.line -> Bogue.Style.border
val mk_shadow :
?offset:int * int ->
?size:int -> ?width:int -> ?radius:int -> unit -> Bogue.Style.shadow
module Label :
type t
type font
type style = Tsdl_ttf.Ttf.Style.t
val create :
?size:int ->
?font:Bogue.Label.font ->
? ->
?fg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align -> string -> Bogue.Label.t
val font_from_file : string -> Bogue.Label.font
val icon : ?size:int -> ?fg:Bogue.Draw.color -> string -> Bogue.Label.t
val set : Bogue.Label.t -> string -> unit
val set_fg_color : Bogue.Label.t -> Bogue.Draw.color -> unit
val size : Bogue.Label.t -> int * int
module Button :
type t
type kind = Trigger | Switch
val create :
?size:int ->
?border_radius:int ->
?border_color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?fg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?bg_on:Bogue.Style.background ->
?bg_off:Bogue.Style.background ->
?bg_over:Bogue.Style.background option ->
?label:Bogue.Label.t ->
?label_on:Bogue.Label.t ->
?label_off:Bogue.Label.t ->
?state:bool ->
?action:(bool -> unit) ->
Bogue.Button.kind -> string -> Bogue.Button.t
val state : Bogue.Button.t -> bool
val reset : Bogue.Button.t -> unit
val is_pressed : Bogue.Button.t -> bool
module Slider :
type t
type kind = Horizontal | HBar | Vertical | Circular
val triggers : Bogue.Trigger.t list
val size : Bogue.Slider.t -> int * int
val value : Bogue.Slider.t -> int
val get_max : Bogue.Slider.t -> int
val set : Bogue.Slider.t -> int -> unit
module Check :
type t
type style
val create :
?state:bool -> ? -> unit -> Bogue.Check.t
val state : Bogue.Check.t -> bool
module Text_display :
type t
type words
val example : Bogue.Text_display.words
val raw : string -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val bold : Bogue.Text_display.words -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val italic : Bogue.Text_display.words -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val normal : Bogue.Text_display.words -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val underline : Bogue.Text_display.words -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val strikethrough :
Bogue.Text_display.words -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val page :
Bogue.Text_display.words list -> Bogue.Text_display.words list
val para : string -> Bogue.Text_display.words
val paragraphs_of_string : string -> Bogue.Text_display.words list
val replace : by:Bogue.Text_display.t -> Bogue.Text_display.t -> unit
val update_verbatim : Bogue.Text_display.t -> string -> unit
module Text_input :
type t
type filter = string -> bool
val triggers : Bogue.Trigger.t list
val uint_filter : Bogue.Text_input.filter
val text : Bogue.Text_input.t -> string
val activate : Bogue.Text_input.t -> unit
module Box :
type t
val create :
?width:int ->
?height:int -> ?style:Bogue.Style.t -> unit -> Bogue.Box.t
val set_background : Bogue.Box.t -> Bogue.Style.background -> unit
val set_style : Bogue.Box.t -> Bogue.Style.t -> unit
val get_style : Bogue.Box.t -> Bogue.Style.t
module Sdl_area :
type t
val create :
width:int ->
height:int ->
?style:Bogue.Style.t -> ?timeout:int -> unit -> Bogue.Sdl_area.t
val update : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> unit
val clear : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> unit
val add :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
?name:string -> (Tsdl.Sdl.renderer -> unit) -> unit
val cache : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> unit
val clear_cache : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> unit
val drawing_size : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> int * int
val pointer_pos : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.event -> int * int
val to_pixels : int * int -> int * int
val draw_line :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color -> thick:int -> int * int -> int * int -> unit
val draw_rectangle :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
thick:int -> w:int -> h:int -> int * int -> unit
val fill_rectangle :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color -> w:int -> h:int -> int * int -> unit
val draw_circle :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
thick:int -> radius:int -> int * int -> unit
val fill_circle :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
color:Bogue.Draw.color -> radius:int -> int * int -> unit
type draw_element
val add_get :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t ->
?name:string ->
?disable:bool ->
(Tsdl.Sdl.renderer -> unit) -> Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element
val disable : Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element -> unit
val enable : Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element -> unit
val remove_element :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element -> unit
val add_element :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element -> unit
val has_element :
Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Bogue.Sdl_area.draw_element -> bool
val get_texture : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.texture option
val set_texture : Bogue.Sdl_area.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.texture -> unit
module Widget :
type t
type connection
type action =
Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Widget.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit
type action_priority = Forget | Join | Replace | Main
val connect :
Bogue.Widget.t ->
Bogue.Widget.t ->
Bogue.Widget.action ->
?priority:Bogue.Widget.action_priority ->
?update_target:bool ->
?join:Bogue.Widget.connection ->
Bogue.Trigger.t list -> Bogue.Widget.connection
val connect_main :
Bogue.Widget.t ->
Bogue.Widget.t ->
Bogue.Widget.action ->
?update_target:bool ->
?join:Bogue.Widget.connection ->
Bogue.Trigger.t list -> Bogue.Widget.connection
val add_connection : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Widget.connection -> unit
val update : Bogue.Widget.t -> unit
val on_release :
release:(Bogue.Widget.t -> unit) -> Bogue.Widget.t -> unit
val on_button_release :
release:(Bogue.Widget.t -> unit) -> Bogue.Widget.t -> unit
val on_click : click:(Bogue.Widget.t -> unit) -> Bogue.Widget.t -> unit
val mouse_over :
?enter:(Bogue.Widget.t -> unit) ->
?leave:(Bogue.Widget.t -> unit) -> Bogue.Widget.t -> unit
val box :
?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?style:Bogue.Style.t -> unit -> Bogue.Widget.t
val check_box :
?state:bool -> ? -> unit -> Bogue.Widget.t
val set_check_state : Bogue.Widget.t -> bool -> unit
val text_display : ?w:int -> ?h:int -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val rich_text :
?size:int ->
?w:int -> ?h:int -> Bogue.Text_display.words list -> Bogue.Widget.t
val verbatim : string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val html : ?w:int -> ?h:int -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val label :
?size:int ->
?fg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?font:Bogue.Label.font ->
? ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val icon :
?size:int -> ?fg:Bogue.Draw.color -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val empty : w:int -> h:int -> unit -> Bogue.Widget.t
val image :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?bg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?noscale:bool -> ?angle:float -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val image_from_svg :
?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?bg:Bogue.Draw.color -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val image_copy : ?rotate:float -> Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Widget.t
val text_input :
?text:string ->
?prompt:string ->
?size:int ->
?filter:Bogue.Text_input.filter ->
?max_size:int -> unit -> Bogue.Widget.t
val button :
?kind:Bogue.Button.kind ->
?label:Bogue.Label.t ->
?label_on:Bogue.Label.t ->
?label_off:Bogue.Label.t ->
?fg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?bg_on:Bogue.Style.background ->
?bg_off:Bogue.Style.background ->
?bg_over:Bogue.Style.background option ->
?state:bool ->
?border_radius:int ->
?border_color:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?action:(bool -> unit) -> string -> Bogue.Widget.t
val slider :
?priority:Bogue.Widget.action_priority ->
?step:int ->
?value:int ->
?kind:Bogue.Slider.kind ->
?var:(int Bogue.Avar.t, int) Bogue.Tvar.t ->
?length:int ->
?thickness:int ->
?tick_size:int ->
?lock:bool -> ?w:int -> ?h:int -> int -> Bogue.Widget.t
val slider_with_action :
?priority:Bogue.Widget.action_priority ->
?step:int ->
?kind:Bogue.Slider.kind ->
value:int ->
?length:int ->
?thickness:int ->
?tick_size:int -> action:(int -> unit) -> int -> Bogue.Widget.t
val sdl_area :
w:int -> h:int -> ?style:Bogue.Style.t -> unit -> Bogue.Widget.t
val check_box_with_label : string -> Bogue.Widget.t * Bogue.Widget.t
val get_state : Bogue.Widget.t -> bool
val get_text : Bogue.Widget.t -> string
val size : Bogue.Widget.t -> int * int
val set_state : Bogue.Widget.t -> bool -> unit
val set_text : Bogue.Widget.t -> string -> unit
val set_cursor : Bogue.Widget.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.cursor option -> unit
val get_box : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Box.t
val get_check : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Check.t
val get_label : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Label.t
val get_button : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Button.t
val get_slider : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Slider.t
val get_text_display : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Text_display.t
val get_text_input : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Text_input.t
val get_image : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Image.t
val get_sdl_area : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Sdl_area.t
val map_text : (string -> string) -> Bogue.Widget.action
module Update : sig val push : Bogue.Widget.t -> unit end
module Layout :
type t
exception Fatal_error of (Bogue.Layout.t * string)
type room_content =
Rooms of Bogue.Layout.t list
| Resident of Bogue.Widget.t
type adjust = Fit | Width | Height | Nothing
type background
val color_bg : Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Layout.background
val opaque_bg : Bogue.Draw.rgb -> Bogue.Layout.background
val style_bg : Bogue.Style.t -> Bogue.Layout.background
val theme_bg : Bogue.Layout.background
val set_background :
Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.background option -> unit
val unload_background : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
module Resize :
sig type strategy = Keep | Disable | Linear | Default end
val empty :
?name:string ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
w:int -> h:int -> unit -> Bogue.Layout.t
val resident :
?name:string ->
?x:int ->
?y:int ->
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?draggable:bool ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?keyboard_focus:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val flat_of_w :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?h:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?widget_bg:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val tower_of_w :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?w:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?widget_bg:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Widget.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val flat :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?adjust:Bogue.Layout.adjust ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?margins:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?shadow:Bogue.Style.shadow ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val tower :
?name:string ->
?sep:int ->
?margins:int ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?adjust:Bogue.Layout.adjust ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?shadow:Bogue.Style.shadow ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?resize:Bogue.Layout.Resize.strategy ->
?clip:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val superpose :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?name:string ->
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?center:bool ->
?scale_content:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val make_clip :
?w:int ->
?scrollbar:bool ->
?scrollbar_inside:bool ->
?scrollbar_width:int ->
?on_scroll:(int -> unit) -> h:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val xpos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val ypos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val width : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val height : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_size : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int
val get_physical_size : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int
val getx : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_oldx : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val gety : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val get_oldy : Bogue.Layout.t -> int
val is_shown : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val widget : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Widget.t
val top_house : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val get_content : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.room_content
val get_rooms : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t list
val has_resident : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val auto_scale : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val disable_resize : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val on_resize : Bogue.Layout.t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_width :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool ->
?update_bg:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_height :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool ->
?update_bg:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_size :
?keep_resize:bool ->
?check_window:bool ->
?update_bg:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> unit
val setx : ?keep_resize:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val sety : ?keep_resize:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int -> unit
val set_show : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool -> unit
val set_shadow : Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Style.shadow option -> unit
val fix_content : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fit_content : ?sep:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_rooms :
Bogue.Layout.t -> ?sync:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t list -> unit
val replace_room : by:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> bool
val set_enabled : Bogue.Layout.t -> bool -> unit
val iter_unload_textures : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val lock : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val unlock : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val animate_x : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_y : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val stop_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val animate_w : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_h : Bogue.Layout.t -> int Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_alpha : Bogue.Layout.t -> float Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val animate_angle : Bogue.Layout.t -> float Bogue.Avar.t -> unit
val hide :
?duration:int ->
?towards:Bogue.Avar.direction -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val show :
?duration:int -> ?from:Bogue.Avar.direction -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fade_in :
?duration:int ->
?from_alpha:float -> ?to_alpha:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val fade_out :
?duration:int ->
?from_alpha:float ->
?to_alpha:float -> ?hide:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val rotate :
?duration:int ->
?from_angle:float -> angle:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val slide_in :
?duration:int ->
?from:Bogue.Avar.direction ->
?dst:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val slide_to : ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> unit
val follow_mouse :
?dx:int ->
?dy:int ->
?modifierx:(int -> int) ->
?modifiery:(int -> int) -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val oscillate :
?duration:int -> ?frequency:float -> int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val zoom :
?duration:int ->
from_factor:float -> to_factor:float -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val reflat :
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?margins:int -> ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val retower :
?align:Bogue.Draw.align ->
?hmargin:int ->
?vmargin:int ->
?margins:int -> ?duration:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val window_opt : Bogue.Layout.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.window option
val show_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val hide_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_window_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> unit
val get_window_pos : Bogue.Layout.t -> int option * int option
val push_close : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val destroy_window : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val inside : Bogue.Layout.t -> int * int -> bool
val claim_keyboard_focus : Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val set_cursor : Bogue.Layout.t option -> unit
val containing_widget : Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Layout.t option
module Space :
val hfill : ?right_margin:int -> unit -> Bogue.Layout.t
val make_hfill : ?right_margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val full_width :
?right_margin:int -> ?left_margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val make_vfill : ?bottom_margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val vfill : ?bottom_margin:int -> unit -> Bogue.Layout.t
val full_height :
?top_margin:int -> ?bottom_margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val keep_bottom :
?reset_scaling:bool -> ?margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val keep_right :
?reset_scaling:bool -> ?margin:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
module Print :
val layout_down : ?indent:string -> Bogue.Layout.t -> string
val layout_up : ?indent:string -> Bogue.Layout.t -> string
val layout_error : Bogue.Layout.t -> string -> unit
module Snapshot :
val create :
?border:Bogue.Style.border -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Widget.t
val to_cursor :
?hot_x:int -> ?hot_y:int -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Tsdl.Sdl.cursor option
module Long_list :
type t
val create :
?name:string ->
w:int ->
h:int ->
length:int ->
?first:int ->
generate:(int -> Bogue.Layout.t) ->
?height_fn:(int -> int option) ->
?cleanup:(Bogue.Layout.t -> unit) ->
?max_memory:int ->
?linear:bool ->
?scrollbar_width:int -> ?scale_width:bool -> unit -> Bogue.Layout.t
module Tabs :
val create :
?slide:Bogue.Avar.direction ->
?adjust:Bogue.Layout.adjust ->
?expand:bool ->
?canvas:Bogue.Draw.canvas ->
?name:string -> (string * Bogue.Layout.t) list -> Bogue.Layout.t
module Popup :
val add_screen :
?color:Bogue.Draw.color -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val attach :
?bg:Bogue.Draw.color ->
?show:bool -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val info :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?button_w:int ->
?button_h:int -> ?button:string -> string -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val yesno :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?button_w:int ->
?button_h:int ->
?yes:string ->
?no:string ->
yes_action:(unit -> unit) ->
no_action:(unit -> unit) -> string -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val one_button :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?on_close:(unit -> unit) ->
button:string -> dst:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
val two_buttons :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
label1:string ->
label2:string ->
action1:(unit -> unit) ->
action2:(unit -> unit) ->
content:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
type position = LeftOf | RightOf | Above | Below | Mouse
val tooltip :
?background:Bogue.Layout.background ->
?position:Bogue.Popup.position ->
string ->
target:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Widget.t -> Bogue.Layout.t -> unit
module Menu :
type t
type action = unit -> unit
type label = Text of string | Layout of Bogue.Layout.t
type entry = {
label : Bogue.Menu.label;
content : Bogue.Menu.content;
and content =
Action of Bogue.Menu.action
| Flat of Bogue.Menu.entry list
| Tower of Bogue.Menu.entry list
| Custom of Bogue.Menu.entry list
| Separator
val create : ?dst:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Menu.content -> Bogue.Menu.t
val add_bar : dst:Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Menu.entry list -> unit
val bar : Bogue.Menu.entry list -> Bogue.Layout.t
val separator : Bogue.Menu.entry
module Select :
val create :
?dst:Bogue.Layout.t ->
?name:string ->
?action:(int -> unit) ->
?fg:Bogue.Draw.color -> string array -> int -> Bogue.Layout.t
module Radiolist :
type t
val vertical :
?name:string ->
?click_on_label:bool ->
?selected:int -> string array -> Bogue.Radiolist.t
val of_widgets :
?selected:int -> Bogue.Widget.t list -> Bogue.Radiolist.t
val layout : Bogue.Radiolist.t -> Bogue.Layout.t
val get_index : Bogue.Radiolist.t -> int option
val set_index : Bogue.Radiolist.t -> int option -> unit
val active_widgets : Bogue.Radiolist.t -> Bogue.Widget.t list
module Table :
type column = {
title : string;
length : int;
rows : int -> Bogue.Layout.t;
compare : (int -> int -> int) option;
min_width : int option;
type t
val create :
?w:int ->
h:int ->
?row_height:int ->
?name:string ->
Bogue.Table.column list ->
Bogue.Layout.t * (Bogue.Selection.t, Bogue.Selection.t) Bogue.Tvar.t
val of_array :
?w:int ->
h:int ->
?widths:int option list ->
?row_height:int ->
?name:string ->
string list ->
string array array ->
Bogue.Layout.t * (Bogue.Selection.t, Bogue.Selection.t) Bogue.Tvar.t
val of_list :
?w:int ->
h:int ->
?widths:int option list ->
?row_height:int ->
?name:string ->
string list list ->
Bogue.Layout.t * (Bogue.Selection.t, Bogue.Selection.t) Bogue.Tvar.t
module Window :
type t
val create :
?on_close:(Bogue.Window.t -> unit) ->
Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Window.t
val on_close :
Bogue.Window.t -> (Bogue.Window.t -> unit) option -> unit
val destroy : Bogue.Window.t -> unit
val set_size : w:int -> h:int -> Bogue.Window.t -> unit
val maximize_width : Bogue.Window.t -> unit
module Main :
type board
type shortcuts
exception Exit
val exit_on_escape : int * int * (Bogue.Main.board -> unit)
val create :
?shortcuts:Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
?connections:Bogue.Widget.connection list ->
?on_user_event:(Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit) ->
Bogue.Window.t list -> Bogue.Main.board
val get_monitor_refresh_rate : Bogue.Main.board -> int option
val of_windows :
?shortcuts:Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
?connections:Bogue.Widget.connection list ->
?on_user_event:(Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit) ->
Bogue.Window.t list -> Bogue.Main.board
val of_layouts :
?shortcuts:Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
?connections:Bogue.Widget.connection list ->
?on_user_event:(Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit) ->
Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Main.board
val of_layout :
?shortcuts:Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
?connections:Bogue.Widget.connection list ->
?on_user_event:(Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit) ->
Bogue.Layout.t -> Bogue.Main.board
val make :
?shortcuts:Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
Bogue.Widget.connection list ->
Bogue.Layout.t list -> Bogue.Main.board
val run :
?vsync:bool ->
?before_display:(unit -> unit) ->
?after_display:(unit -> unit) -> Bogue.Main.board -> unit
type shortcut_action = Bogue.Main.board -> unit
val shortcuts_empty : unit -> Bogue.Main.shortcuts
val shortcuts_add :
Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
?keymod:Tsdl.Sdl.keymod ->
int -> Bogue.Main.shortcut_action -> Bogue.Main.shortcuts
val shortcuts_add_ctrl :
Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
int -> Bogue.Main.shortcut_action -> Bogue.Main.shortcuts
val shortcuts_add_ctrl_shift :
Bogue.Main.shortcuts ->
int -> Bogue.Main.shortcut_action -> Bogue.Main.shortcuts
val shortcuts_of_list :
(int * int * Bogue.Main.shortcut_action) list -> Bogue.Main.shortcuts
val make_sdl_windows :
?windows:Tsdl.Sdl.window list -> Bogue.Main.board -> unit
val refresh_custom_windows : Bogue.Main.board -> unit
val one_step :
?before_display:(unit -> unit) ->
bool ->
(unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit) ->
?clear:bool -> Bogue.Main.board -> bool
val get_frame : unit -> int
val quit : unit -> unit
module Bogue = Main