, or indicate the module, like
, or type signatures, like int -> float
and $
to indicate where the matched string should start or end, respectively.This library is part of the internal OCaml compiler API, and is not the language standard library. There are no compatibility guarantees between releases, so code written against these modules must be willing to depend on specific OCaml compiler versions.
Ast_iterator |
CamlinternalMenhirLib | |
Ast_invariants | Check AST invariants |
Ast_mapper | The interface of a -ppx rewriter |
Printast | Raw printer for |
Builtin_attributes | Support for some of the builtin attributes |
Pprintast | Pretty-printers for |
Parse | Entry points in the parser |
Location | Source code locations (ranges of positions), used in parsetree |
Ast_helper | Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments |
Syntaxerr | Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors |
Attr_helper | Helpers for attributes |
Asttypes | Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. |
Lexer | The lexical analyzer |
Longident | Long identifiers, used in parsetree. |
Parser | |
Docstrings | Documentation comments |
Parsetree | Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing |
Depend | Module dependencies. |
Terminfo | Basic interface to the terminfo database |
Clflags | Command line flags |
Strongly_connected_components | Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components. |
Arg_helper | Decipher command line arguments of the form
<value> | <key>=<value> |
Targetint | Target processor-native integers. |
Profile | Compiler performance recording |
Build_path_prefix_map | Rewrite paths for reproducible builds |
Int_replace_polymorphic_compare | |
Identifiable | Uniform interface for common data structures over various things. |
Ccomp | Compiling C files and building C libraries |
Misc | Miscellaneous useful types and functions |
Numbers | Modules about numbers, some of which satisfy |
Domainstate | |
Load_path | Management of include directories. |
Consistbl | Consistency tables: for checking consistency of module CRCs |
Warnings | Warning definitions |
Config | System configuration |
Pparse | Driver for the parser and external preprocessors. |