Module Ufind

Case insensitive, accent insensitive search engine

Ufind is a small ocaml library that provides a case insentitive, accent insensitive search in strings encoded in utf8. It is meant to be easy to use, either for searching simple lists, or for digging in large databases.

Thanks to Ubase, accents and more general diacritics are recognized for all Latin characters. For other alphabets/scripts, searching will remain accent sensitive.

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The simplest search function is filter_list; you can use it for searching an arbitrary list with only one line of code:

# let list = [1,"Arthur"; 2,"Benoît"; 3,"Camille"; 4,"Damián"] in
  Ufind.filter_list ~get_name:snd "á" list;;

- : (int * string) list = [(4, "Dami\195\161n"); (1, "Arthur"); (3, "Camille")] 

Note that the results are sorted by relevance; the best match is "Damián" because it has an "á" with the correct accent.

However, for better speed and memory usage, as soon as you intend to do several searches in the same database, we recommend using a two-step approach, as in the example below.

Let us search a substring in a list of strings. Here we use the sample list of names that can be found in the test directory.

First we prepare the data:

# let items = Ufind.items_from_names sample;;
val items : string Ufind.search_item Seq.t = <fun>

And then we may search:

# let result = Ufind.select_data items "ap";;
val result : string list =
  ["Olivia Apodaca"; "Gi\195\161p \196\144\195\180ng Ngh\225\187\139"]
# List.iter print_endline result;;
Olivia Apodaca
Giáp Đông Nghị
- : unit = ()                 

The string "Olivia Apodaca" came first, because the substring "ap" is present without any accent substitution. If we searched "áp" instead, the order of the results would have been inverted.

Search filters

The search can be greatly modified by playing with two filters: casefolding and matching_defect.


The casefolding parameter is the function used to perform a case-insensitive search. Two strings that have the same image under this function will be considered equal (exact match).

This function is applied only in the preprocess stage, see below.

type casefolding =
| CF_D144

Unicode Core Spec, page 157.

| CF_D145

Unicode Core Spec, page 158.

| CF_D147

Unicode Core Spec, page 158.


no transformation


D145 restricted to Latin letters


D147 restricted to Latin letters


ASCII lowercase

| CF_CUSTOM of string string

any compatible function -- see below

For enforcing a case-sensitive search, just use CF_NONE. The casefolding function can also be used to normalize the utf8 string; this is done by CF_D145 and CF_D147. However, recall that normalizing is a slow operation, and it should rather be done directly when storing items in your database. The expected properties of the casefolding function are:

  • Removing accents (with utf8_to_ascii) followed by casefolding should give the same result as casefolding followed be removing accents. The resulting string is called the base string. It contains only ASCII characters.
  • Applying casefolding on a base string should return the unmodified string.
  • If two items have different base strings, they will never match in any search.
  • If two items have the same base string, they should match in any search, but maybe we a low ranking (low matching quality).

Expected property for case-insensitive search:

  • Equality of casefolded ASCII strings should be equivalent to equality of the strings obtained by applying String.lowercase_ascii.

CUSTOM casefolding functions can be used for specific cases. For instance, one can use capitalize_casefold, which combines a usual lower-case function with capitalizing the first letter. In this way we force the match to happen at the start of the string: "Ver" (or "ver") will match with "Véronique" and "VÉRONIQUE" but not with "Prévert" or "PRÉVERT". Of course, the same result can be obtained by a simple matching_defect function, see below.

val capitalize_casefold : string string

Matching defect

Ufind uses a function that establishes the quality of "A being a substring of B". It is entirely parameterizable. It should be fast and not deal with accents, only raw strings.

type matching_defect =
| MD_CUSTOM of (string * string) (string * string) int option


The Ufind library is meant for searching through a database by filtering a string field, typically a name. We use the vocabulary "name" for denoting the field in question; but of course, it can be any string field, as long as it is UTF8 encoded.

Preparing the data

Before searching, the data has to be preprocessed, in order to transform it into a sequence of search_items. The preprocess can be lazy (will be executed only when real search queries will be made), but if memory allows it, it will be much faster to preprocess the whole data in memory, especially if you intend to perform several searches in the same database.

A search item does not have to contain all the data of the original records, it only contains the "name" field and a "data" pointer to recover the original data.

type 'a search_item
val base_of_item : 'a search_item string

Return the ASCII version of the item.

val data_of_item : 'a search_item 'a

Return the data associated with the item.

val preprocess : ?⁠folding:casefolding ?⁠limit:(int * int) get_name:('a string) get_data:('a 'b) 'a Seq.t 'b search_item Seq.t

preprocess ~get_name ~get_data seq returns a sequence of search_items from the source sequence seq.

This function is a general way of obtaining a sequence of search items from any kind of data source, as long as this source can be accessed by a sequence (ocaml type Seq.t). The function get_name takes an element of the sequence and should return the name field that we are searching. The function get_data on an element of the sequence can return any type of data that we want to associate with the result of the search. It can be the same as get_name. But, the data can also be the id of the correspondng record, so that from the result of the search on the name field we can recover the other fields of the matching records.

The preprocess function is not lazy; as a consequence, the resulting sequence is very fast to search. If limit=(offset,count), preprocess will force evaluation of the first offset+count elements of the sequence seq, and return a sequence of at most count effectively computed search_items starting at item #offset (inclusive). Warning, if no limit is given, the whole seq is processed; hence if seq is infinite, it will never terminate until memory overflows.

In all preprocess* functions, the returned sequence is not mutable, has no side-effect, and will always point to the start of the source sequence. So there is no need to reset it for each new search.

val preprocess_list : ?⁠folding:casefolding get_name:('a string) get_data:('a 'b) 'a list 'b search_item Seq.t

Same as preprocess but the database is a list instead of a sequence.

val preprocess_file : ?⁠limit:(int * int) get_name:(string string) get_data:(string 'a) string 'a search_item Seq.t

Use this to search in a file, where each item must be encoded in a single line.

The name field should be obtained by get_name line, and the data field by get_data line. Returns the sequence of pre-processed search items.

val items_from_seq : ?⁠folding:casefolding get_name:('a string) get_data:('a 'b) 'a Seq.t 'b search_item Seq.t

Similar to preprocess except that there is no preprocessing: this immediately returns a lazy sequence of items, suitable for searching.

If the source sequence is mutable (most sequences are), then for each new search, it has to be reset to its origin position, and a new call to items_from_seq is required.

If memory allows and if you intend to perform several searches, use preprocess for faster searching.

val items_from_names : ?⁠folding:casefolding string list string search_item Seq.t

items_from_names list immediately returns a lazy sequence of search items from a list of strings.

The returned sequence is not mutable, and will always point to the start of the list. So there is no need to reset it for each new search.

For faster searching, rather use preprocess_list ~get_name:id ~get_data:id list, where id x = x. The only interest of items_from_names is when the list is really long and we don't want to duplicate it in memory.

val items_from_text : ?⁠folding:casefolding string (int * string) search_item Seq.t

items_from_text text immediately constructs a lazy list of search_item corresponding to each word of the string text, where word delimiters are [ \t\n()]. Usual punctuation signs are removed from the end of words.

The returned sequence is not mutable, and will always point to the start of the text. So there is no need to reset it for each new search.

After searching with select_data, the resulting data is a list of pairs (pos, word) where pos is the position of the word in the original string.

val items_from_channel : ?⁠folding:casefolding Pervasives.in_channel (int * string) search_item Seq.t

items_from_channel channel immediately constructs a lazy list of search_item corresponding to each word read from the channel, where word delimiters are [ \t\n()]. Usual punctuation signs are removed from the end of words.

The resulting sequence is mutable, and will point to the current search position in the channel, which is not closed by this function.

After searching with select_data, the resulting data is a list of pairs (pos, word) where pos is the byte position of the word in channel, starting from the initial state of the channel.

Search results

val select_data : ?⁠folding:casefolding ?⁠stop:('a search_item bool) ?⁠matching_stop:((int * 'a search_item) bool) ?⁠matching_defect:matching_defect 'a search_item Seq.t string 'a list

select_data items name searches for the string name within the sequence of search items items and returns the sorted list of data corresponding to matching items.

If stop is not provided, the search will explore the whole sequence. Otherwise, the search will stop after processing the first item in items for which stop item = true. The argument matching_stop operates in a similar way, but is executed only on matching items, and its argument is the couple (distance, item).

The folding parameter must be the same as the one used to create the items sequence.

val make_stop : ?⁠count:int ?⁠timeout:float unit ('a bool) * (unit bool)

make_stop ~count ~timeout () returns the pair (stop, flag), where stop is a 'stop' function suitable for use in select_data; and flag is a function that returns true when the stop test is effectively triggered.

When used with select_data, the search will stop after processing count elements, or when the timeout (in seconds) is elapsed. Note that the timer starts as soon at the unit argument () is provided.

The stop function has to be created again after each use.

In conjunction with seq_split, the flag can be used to resume a previously stopped search, as follows.

let seq1, seq2 = seq_split items in
  let stop, flag = make_stop ~count:10 () in
  let result = select_data ~stop seq1 name in
if flag () then begin
  print_endline "The search was interrupted. We resume it.";
  let result2 = select_data seq2 name in
  (* the complete result is the union {result,result2}, 
        but the global ranking is lost... *)
end else print_endline "The search was complete."
val filter_list : ?⁠folding:casefolding ?⁠matching_defect:matching_defect get_name:('a string) string 'a list 'a list

This is the simplest search function; it doesn't require any preprocessing. filter_list ~get_name name list will filter (and sort by relevance) the given list by returning only those elements whose name field (extracted by get_name) matches name.


# let list = [1,"Arthur"; 2,"Benoît"; 3,"Camille"; 4,"Damián"] in
  filter_list ~get_name:snd "á" list;;

- : (int * string) list = [(4, "Dami\195\161n"); (1, "Arthur"); (3, "Camille")]

Because the returned list is just a subset of the initial list, one can easily refine a search by chaining several calls to filter_list.

module Matching : sig ... end

Obtaining detailed matching results



Sequences, or "delayed lists" is a standard data type in ocaml, see here. They represent lists where each element is obtained by evaluating some function, and the evaluation is "lazy", i.e. is done only when absolutely needed.

(In order to keep the Ufind library compatible with ocaml 4.05, the newer Seq functions that appeared in 4.07 are not used.)

val seq_to_list_rev : 'a Seq.t 'a list

Evaluate the whole sequence and convert it to a list, in reverse order.

val list_to_seq : 'a list 'a Seq.t

Immediately return a lazy sequence from the given list.

val seq_eval : 'a Seq.t 'a Seq.t

Evaluate the whole sequence and return a new sequence with the evaluated values.

val seq_truncate : int int 'a Seq.t 'a Seq.t

(Half)-immediate truncation of a sequence. seq_truncate offset count seq returns a sequence of length count (or less in case the initial sequence is too short) containing the elements of the initial seq starting at the offset-eth element.

This operation is not entirely lazy: elements before #offset will be evaluated. But no other element.

val seq_stop : ('a bool) 'a Seq.t 'a Seq.t

seq_stop stop seq returns a lazy truncation of the sequence seq. When evaluated, the sequence will stop just after the function stop evaluated on an element returns true. For instance stop can be a timer, see make_stop.

val seq_split : 'a Seq.t 'a Seq.t * 'a Seq.t

Dynamic splittig of a sequence. If s1,s2 = seq_split seq then s2 will always start after the last evaluated element of s1.

For instance if we let st = seq_truncate 0 10 s1 and iterate on st, then the iteration of s2 will start at the 11th element of seq.

String conversions

Shortcuts to some Ubase functions.

val isolatin_to_utf8 : string string

Convert ISO_8859_1 to UTF8

val utf8_to_ascii : string string

Convert to ASCII by removing all accents on Latin letters, and removing all other non-ascii chars or non-Latin letters.


# utf8_to_ascii "¡Déjà vu!";;
- : string = "Deja vu!"

Mysql interface

See an example here.