Mailing Lists and Web Forums

Mailing lists and other forums used to discuss OCaml in general are listed below. There are thousands of other forums related to individual projects. Several mailing lists are hosted on the domain. Projects on GitHub actively use GitHub's Issue system for discussions.

Web Forums

Discuss at This is the most active forum about OCaml. Topics are grouped into a variety of categories, which can be followed independently. This forum welcomes people at all levels of proficiency, including beginners. A mailing-list mode is also available for those who wish to receive all messages.

Most categories are in English but categories in other languages are welcome.

Mailing Lists

Official OCaml List

caml-list AT The OCaml mailing list is intended for all users of the OCaml implementations developed at Inria. The purpose of this list is to share experience, exchange ideas and code, and report on applications of the OCaml language. This list is not moderated, but posting is restricted to the subscribers of the list. Messages are generally in English but sometimes also in French. In 2010, the list has about 1500 subscribers, who exchange about 300 messages per month.

Subscribe | OCaml Archives | Inria Archives

The OCaml Weekly News also provides a curated summary of caml-list discussions.

OCaml Jobs and Internships

ocaml-jobs AT This list is for exchanges between people looking for a job or an internship requiring skills in OCaml and people, corporations, universities, ..., offering such jobs or internships.


OCaml Announcements

caml-announce AT This is a low-traffic, moderated list for announcements of OCaml releases and new OCaml-related software, libraries, documents, etc.


Discussion Groups

IRC Channel - English #ocaml This is a real-time communication channel, where you can ask for help. There are about a hundred users hanging around; don't ask if you can ask, just ask, and be patient: not everyone is in the same timezone. The IRC Channel can be accessed through a web interface or any regular IRC client.

Public channel logs are available at

If you wish to use a web-based IRC client, you can use Freenode's webchat For a fancier/nicer interface, you may try -- it requires registration but is otherwise free.

Discord Server

discord link: As a more recent addition to the OCaml community, the OCaml discord server benefits from the proximity of the ReasonML community's discord server, as well as discord's ability to have multiple channels. One of the channels is called #IRC, and automatically connects to the main IRC channel.

IRC Channel - French #ocaml-fr As above, but for French speakers.

About ML This is a moderated Usenet newsgroup about all variants of ML. Discussions generally concern Standard ML implementations (such as SML-NJ), but some threads concern the OCaml branch.

Archives at Google Groups | FAQ

About Functional Languages

comp.lang.functional This is an unmoderated usenet newsgroup for the discussion of all aspects of functional programming languages, including their design, application, theoretical foundation, and implementation. Discussions concern all families of functional programming languages including non-strict ones (e.g. Haskell) and strict ones (e.g. Scheme, SML or OCaml).

Archives at Google Groups | FAQ


Bug Tracker

Use Github issues to request features or report bugs.