This tutorial originally appeared here and is slightly modified in this form. It is intended to get you up and running quickly with OCaml.
Crash course on the OCaml ecosystem
These are some key notes that you should know.
is the package manager for OCaml. It is very advanced and supports many features. The most basic of which is$ opam install <some_package>
For people on
, you can get it onbrew
and all theLinux
distros should haveopam
.For Windows people, this seems to be a decent option or you could get a VM. Do note that opam doesn't work on this platform and for a beginner you might ending up wasting a lot of time with environment issues or libraries that assume Unix.
Once you have
installed, you probably want to do:$ opam switch 4.10.0
This will install the latest version of the compiler. When you did
opam switch
you can see all the other available compilers as well. You can even switch to a beta compiler like so:opam switch 4.03.0+beta1
is a program that predatesopam
and wraps the standardOCaml
. The former is a byte code compiler and the latter creates native code.ocamlbuild
is a tool that helps buildOCaml
programs, many people have strong opinions on it. You can find the manual for it here. It seems that people are starting to invest effort into it again.oasis
is a tool that helps abstract usage of 3, 4. I resisted it for a while and wrote Makefiles instead, don't do that, just use oasis. The oasis flow basically goes like this: (Be aware that oasis is really finicky and its error messages are useless), see the oasis minitutorial at the end of this post.merlin
is an OCaml program that is simply amazing - it drives code completion for plugins available inemacs
. Once you have merlin installed with$ opam install merlin
then you can add a
file to your project so thatmerlin
knows what packages to code complete for, a sample.merlin
file looks like this:B _build/src S src PKG cmdliner lwt FLG -w +a-4-40..42-44-45-48
Notice how I put the
B _build/src
That sort of assumes you're using_oasis
and you made the asrc
directory. I also provided you with some nice compiler flags for extra warnings.You'll need to add some code to vim or emacs to truly get the most out of
, you can even getjedi
style docstring popups like so:The elisp that I use for my
is listed after theoasis
tutorial at the end of this post.Although there are no full blown IDEs for OCaml, there are some options to expand your editor with robust tools for things like syntax highlighting, autocompletion and indentation:
If you use Emacs or Vim, you may want to consider installing user-setup. It will configure everything you need for you.
VSCode has the reasonml extension. It supports both OCaml and Reason (an alternative syntax inspired by Javascript created and maintained by Facebook). Provides syntax highlighting, autocompletion, indentation, navigation, static analysis and more. Uses most (if not all) of the modules already integrated into the Emacs/Vim ecosystem.
There are two recommended ways to configure OCaml support in Atom using Merlin.
Sublime Text has a similar plugin.
is an enhanced REPL, it is better than the plainocaml
REPL. Install it withopam install utop
Library situation
OCaml does have a standard library but it is deliberately minimal. It was only created
to serve the needs of the compiler programmers, ie its not like
Python's standard library which has everything under the sun + the
moon. There are a few standard library replacements, one is called
and its provided by Jane Street. Its the library used in the
Real World OCaml book/website. Another standard library
replacement is called Batteries
, this is more "community"
supported. There is a more recent contender called Containers
. For a
categorized list of contemporary and well liked/must have libraries,
checkout the awesome-ocaml
Speaking of Libraries...
This is "functional programming," so many of the real world libraries
you'll encounter will have Monadic interfaces, like lwt
or Core's
, both are asynchronous threading libraries, use Monads and
that wacky >>=
function. But you really shouldn't fret about what a
Monad is or represents, just follow the type signature and you'll be
fine. For a more detailed treatment of Monads in OCaml and a code
example to talk to the Stripe
API, see
Doing simple tasks (shameless plug)
I try using OCaml for literally everything and that includes going
to hackathons, to make this less painful I wrote a library called
which helps with simple stuff. I don't claim its a standard
library replacement, just a library for getting stuff done. These two
code samples assume the file is named
and can be run with
First install with opam:
$ opam install podge
- Reading output of a process
#require "podge"
let () =
Podge.Unix.read_process_output "ls -halt" |> List.iter print_endline
The |>
just means piping, its piping the output of
into the input of the partially applied function
- Reading a file
#require "podge"
let () =
Podge.Unix.read_lines "" |> List.iter print_endline
Similar to 1, this reads all lines of file and gives it to the input
of the partially applied function iter
These are two simple code samples from Podge
, check out the
repo for other useful modules
like: (The README has code examples)
simple HTTP requests and getting data back as JSONXml
querying simple XML documentsANSITerminal
for creating colored shell outputStringExt
which is all due to Rudi Grinberg
What can you do with it?
Loads, warning shameless plugs ahead.
- I wrote an opam package that makes it easy to get an iOS OCaml cross-compiler, see here.
- Compilers! Lots of compilers and compiler tools are written in OCaml: Facebook uses OCaml for the Hack typechecker, pfff and flow and the first cut of Rust was written in OCaml.
- Financial world, Jane Street uses OCaml for basically everything (AFAIK)
- Systems Programming: ahrefs, my former employer Ahrefs uses OCaml for heavy systems programming.
- Kernels: Unikernels are hot right now, the most prominent one is the Mirage-OS project and its all OCaml.
- Shameless plug: I use OCaml as well for
, in fact I'm using it to write an Electron app with a node backend (All code is OCaml compiled into JS, then run on node/Electron), see here. - Genomics/Bioinformatics: Hammer Lab in NYC uses OCaml for their genomics/sequencing work.
- My employer MixRank let me write
for assh
tunnel multiplexer for jailbroken iDevices called gandalf - You can even replace your shell scripts or Python with it, aka run it using the interpreter, see the self contained example listed after the elisp code at the end.
Stick with it!
This style of coding might be new to you or maybe it's your first programming language, stick with it and continue. OCaml offers many awesome features and has many strengths including a very professional and pragmatic community. Also, if you're in the Bay Area then please come to weekly office hours hours hosted at MixRank in San Francisco. It's open to all levels of experience and I still have some Enter the Monad t-shirts to give away, courtesy of Jane Street.
Oasis mini-tutorial
Create a directory.
Go to the directory and create a file named _oasis and directory named
Here is a template of the contents of the _oasis file
OASISFormat: 0.4
OCamlVersion: >= 4.02.3
Name: opam_package_name
Version: 0.1
Maintainers: New OCaml programmer
Synopsis: Some short description
License: BSD-3-clause
Plugins: META (0.4), DevFiles (0.4)
AlphaFeatures: ocamlbuild_more_args
Some cool description
# This is a comment and this below creates an binary program
Executable <some_program_name>
Path: src
install: true
CompiledObject: native
BuildDepends: package_one, package_two
# Another comment, this builds a library called pg
Library pg
Path: src
# oasis will figure out the dependencies,
# Just list the modules you want public,
# Note that there's no .ml, just give the name
Modules: Pg
CompiledObject: byte
BuildDepends: some_package
- Generate the Makefile,, configure and other build crap.
$ oasis setup -setup-update dynamic
- Actually build your code, yes its just a call to make.
$ make
Assuming that you were building an executable, then you should see
either a foo.native
or a foo.byte
in the root directory of the
- You can stop here, but you can go even further with
. Install it with:
opam install oasis2opam
then in your project's root directory, aka the directory with the _oasis file, do:
oasis2opam --local
This creates the opam
directory and some meta data for the opam
packaging system. Your local package can now be a first class citizen
with opam just by doing this in the same project root directory:
$ opam pin add <your_package_name> . -y
Elisp for OCaml coding
Code for the Emacs init file.
;; OCaml code
(lambda ()
;; Add opam emacs directory to the load-path
(setq opam-share
(shell-command-to-string "opam config var share 2> /dev/null")
0 -1))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat opam-share "/emacs/site-lisp"))
;; Load merlin-mode
(require 'merlin)
;; Start merlin on ocaml files
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)
(add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)
;; Enable auto-complete
(setq merlin-use-auto-complete-mode 'easy)
;; Use opam switch to lookup ocamlmerlin binary
(setq merlin-command 'opam)
(require 'ocp-indent)
(autoload 'utop-minor-mode "utop" "Minor mode for utop" t)
(autoload 'utop-setup-ocaml-buffer "utop" "Toplevel for OCaml" t)
(autoload 'merlin-mode "merlin" "Merlin mode" t)
;; Important to note that setq-local is a macro and it needs to be
;; separate calls, not like setq
(setq-local merlin-completion-with-doc t)
(setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-local show-trailing-whitespace t)
(setq-local indent-line-function 'ocp-indent-line)
(setq-local indent-region-function 'ocp-indent-region)
(if (equal system-type 'darwin)
(load-file "/Users/Edgar/.opam/working/share/emacs/site-lisp/ocp-indent.el")
(load-file "/home/gar/.opam/working/share/emacs/site-lisp/ocp-indent.el"))
(add-hook 'utop-mode-hook (lambda ()
(get-process "utop") nil)))
OCaml as shell scripting, example assume gandalf
This is the deploy script I use for a project that I'm working on, a way to get a node like thing on iOS using JavaScriptCore, Objective-C++ and Grand Central Dispatch.
You can do chmod +x
on the script, then can just invoke it as a
regular program, no compiling necessary.
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* Need topfind to make require work, need require to use podge package *)
#use "topfind"
#require "podge"
module U = Yojson.Basic.Util
module A = Podge.ANSITerminal
type cmd = Scp of int * string
| Ssh of int * string
type error_condition = Copy_error | Exec_error
let connected_devices () =
Podge.Unix.read_process_output "gandalf -s"
|> Podge.List.drop ~n:5
|> String.concat ""
|> Yojson.Basic.from_string
|> U.to_list
|> List.fold_left
(fun accum item -> U.(member "Local Port" item |> to_int) :: accum) []
let command = function
| Scp (port, target) ->
Printf.sprintf "scp -P %d %s root@localhost:~/" port target
| Ssh (port, cmd) ->
Printf.sprintf "ssh root@localhost -p %d \"%s\"" port cmd
let usage () =
"This deploy script assumes that it was started\n\
from the makefile with `make deploy` and that gandalf is running"
|> print_endline;
exit 1
let with_gandalf udid ~f =
let f_name = Filename.temp_file "gandalf" "deployment" in
let f_chan = open_out f_name in
Printf.sprintf "%s:2000:22" udid |> output_string f_chan;
close_out f_chan;
let gandalf_pid =
Unix.(create_process "gandalf" [|"gandalf"; "-m"; f_name|] stdin stdout stderr)
Unix.sleep 1;
f ();
Unix.kill gandalf_pid 5
let cmd_result ~error_msg = function
| outcome when outcome <> 0 ->
A.colored_message ~m_color:Podge.T.Red error_msg |> prerr_endline;
exit 1
| _ -> ()
let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 then usage ()
with_gandalf Sys.argv.(2) begin fun () ->
let devices = connected_devices () in
devices |> List.iter begin fun i_device ->
let scp_cmd = Sys.(Scp (i_device, argv.(1))) |> command in
Printf.sprintf "Deploying binary to remote device: %s" scp_cmd
|> A.colored_message |> print_endline;
Sys.command scp_cmd
|> cmd_result ~error_msg:"Was unable to copy over the binary";
let ssh_cmd_sign =
Sys.(Ssh (i_device, "ldid -S /var/root/" ^ argv.(1))) |> command
Printf.sprintf "Signing binary on remote device: %s" ssh_cmd_sign
|> A.colored_message |> print_endline;
Sys.command ssh_cmd_sign
|> cmd_result
~error_msg:(Printf.sprintf "Signing binary on remote device: %s" ssh_cmd_sign);
let ssh_cmd = Sys.(Ssh (i_device, "/var/root/" ^ argv.(1))) |> command in
Printf.sprintf "Executing binary on remote device: %s" ssh_cmd
|> print_endline;
Sys.command ssh_cmd
|> cmd_result ~error_msg:"Was unable to execute the binary";
A.colored_message "Deployed and tested successfully"
|> print_endline