Compiling C with gcc
The following is a plugin that tries to handle simple C projects with
in the same way ocamlbuild
handles your caml projects, i.e. you
don't need to specify anything particular to build simple executables.
Another approach is to use the
ocamlbuild-ctools plugin
which provides support for both gcc
and the MSVC tool chain, but
you'll have to explicitly list object files to link your executables.
The example uses avr-gcc
to produce %.elf
executables for
microcontrollers, but it's just a matter of substituting avr-gcc
to get the same result for regular C projects. For now the plugin
doesn't handle multiple directories.
Object dependencies linked into a %.elf
executable are automatically
computed as follows.
- Each file
has a corresponding file%.{c,h}.depends
that lists (locally) included files (this file is generated viaavr-gcc -MM -MF -MG %.{c,h}.depends %.{c,h}
). Note that unfortunately the result in%.{c,h}.depend
is different if included files are already in the build dir or not (very helpful...), see thecorrect
function inparse_deps
(this "feature" may make it a hard to support multiple directories, but I didn't research that extensively). Another problem is that thesemake
files have\
when lines becomes too long thus we need to filter out these. - To build a
, every file mentioned in%.c.depends
and recursively is built (in the functionparse_deps
the first two items of%.c.depends
are ignored : they are%.o
). To sum up, this step copies files included in%.c
(and recursively) to the_build
directory and produces the object file%.o
. - To build (link) a
, we take%.o
and for each$.h
mentioned in%.c.depends
(and recursively) we try to build a corresponding$.c
, if it succeeds the corresponding$.o
is built and added at the link phase.
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
let avr_gcc_rules avr_gcc avr_objcopy =
let parallel files = (fun f -> [f]) files in
let err_circular file path =
Printf.sprintf "Circular build detected (%s already seen in [%s])"
file (String.concat "; " path)
let parse_deps file =
let dir = Pathname.dirname file in
let deps = ( (string_list_of_file file)) in
let deps = List.filter (fun d -> d <> "\\") deps in (* remove \ *)
let correct d = if Pathname.dirname d = dir then d else dir / d in correct deps
let deps_action dep prod env build =
let c = env dep in
let tags = tags_of_pathname c in
Cmd (S [A avr_gcc; T tags;
A "-MM"; A "-MG"; A "-MF"; Px (env prod); P c])
rule "avr-gcc: c -> c.depends"
~prod: "%.c.depends" (deps_action "%.c" "%.c.depends");
rule "avr-gcc: h -> h.depends"
~prod:"%.h.depends" (deps_action "%.h" "%.h.depends");
rule "avr-gcc: c & c.depends -> o"
~deps:["%.c"; "%.c.depends"]
~prod: "%.o"
begin fun env build ->
let c = env "%.c" in
let rec build_transitive_deps = function
| [] -> ()
| (_, []) :: todo -> build_transitive_deps todo
| (path, f :: rest) :: todo ->
if List.mem f path then failwith (err_circular f path) else
let deps = parse_deps (f ^ ".depends") in
let dep_files = (fun d -> d ^ ".depends") deps in
List.iter Outcome.ignore_good (build (parallel deps));
List.iter Outcome.ignore_good (build (parallel dep_files));
build_transitive_deps (((f :: path), deps) :: (path, rest) :: todo)
build_transitive_deps [([],[c])];
Cmd (S [A avr_gcc;
A "-Wall"; A "-Os"; A "-std=c99";
T (tags_of_pathname c ++ "compile" ++ "avr-gcc");
A "-c"; P c;
A "-o"; Px (env "%.o");])
rule "avr-gcc: o & c.depends -> .elf"
~prod: "%.elf"
begin fun env build ->
let o = env "%.o" in
let rec build_transitive_objs acc = function
| [] -> StringSet.fold (fun v l -> v :: l) acc []
| [] :: todo -> build_transitive_objs acc todo
| (f :: rest) :: todo ->
(* builds a .o for each .h which has a .c *)
let deps =
let is_hfile f = Pathname.check_extension f "h" in
List.filter is_hfile (parse_deps (f ^ ".depends"))
let cfiles =
let remove_f = List.filter (fun f' -> f <> f') in
let to_cfile f = Pathname.update_extension "c" f in
let keep_good acc = function
| Outcome.Good o -> o :: acc | Outcome.Bad _ -> acc
List.fold_left keep_good []
(build (parallel (remove_f ( to_cfile deps))))
let objs =
let to_ofile f = Pathname.update_extension "o" f in Outcome.good
(build (parallel ( to_ofile cfiles)))
let add_obj acc o = StringSet.add o acc in
(List.fold_left add_obj acc objs) (cfiles :: deps :: rest :: todo)
let objs = build_transitive_objs (StringSet.empty) [[env "%.c"]] in
Cmd (S [A avr_gcc;
T (tags_of_pathname o ++ "link" ++ "avr-gcc");
A "-o"; Px (env "%.elf");
Command.atomize_paths (o :: objs) ])
rule "avr-objcopy: elf -> hex"
begin fun env _ ->
let elf = env "%.elf" in
Cmd (S [A avr_objcopy;
A "-j"; A ".text";
A "-j"; A ".data";
A "-O"; A "ihex";
T (tags_of_pathname elf ++ "compile" ++ "avr-objcopy");
P elf;
Px (env "%.hex")])
let () =
dispatch begin function
| Before_rules -> (* override ocaml's C rules. *)
avr_gcc_rules "avr-gcc" "avr-objcopy";
flag ["compile"; "avr-gcc"; "mcu_atmega168"] (A "-mmcu=atmega168");
flag ["link"; "avr-gcc"; "mcu_atmega168"] (A "-mmcu=atmega168");
flag ["compile"; "avr-gcc"; "mcu_freq_16Mhz"] (A "-DF_CPU=16000000");
| _ -> ()