Module Bogue.File

module File: sig .. end

File dialog and file monitor

This module offers a quite complete file dialog layout.

Warning: Some File.options are not implemented yet; these -- and more features -- will certainly be added in the future.

File dialog in a separate window

module Monitor: sig .. end

Monitoring changes in a directory.

module Mime: sig .. end

Mimetype information

type t 

The type for file dialogs.

type options 
val set_options : ?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?dirs_first:bool ->
?show_hidden:bool ->
?hide_backup:bool ->
?max_selected:int ->
?hide_dirs:bool ->
?only_dirs:bool ->
?select_dir:bool ->
?allow_new:bool ->
?default_name:string ->
?breadcrumb:bool ->
?system_icons:bool ->
?open_dirs_on_click:bool ->
?mimetype:Str.regexp ->
?on_select:(int * int -> unit) -> unit -> options
dirs_first : partially implemented
system_icons : not implemented
type entry 

The entry type can be used to create filters for selecting what is actually displayed by the file dialog.

val filename : entry -> string
val lstat_opt : entry -> Unix.stats option
val stat_opt : entry -> Unix.stats option

The stat_opt and lstat_opt return the corresponding pre-computed Unix.stats results, without actually calling any system function.

val dialog : ?full_filter:(entry -> bool) ->
?options:options -> string -> t

Use this function if you need unusual combinations of options. For most common uses, see File.select_file (and others) below.

val get_layout : t -> Layout.t

Return the layout containing the whole file dialog except for the "select" and "cancel" buttons.

val get_selected : t -> string list

Return the (alphabetically sorted) list of selected files or directories.

val basedir : t -> string

Return the full path of the currently displayed directory.

val select_file : ?dst:Layout.t ->
?board:Main.board ->
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?mimetype:Str.regexp -> ?name:string -> string -> (string -> unit) -> unit

select_file dirname continue will open a file dialog, initially showing the content of the directory dirname. The user can then navigate to other directories. When the user selects a file in the list and presses the "Select file" button, the dialog will close, and the continue function will be applied to the selected filename (full path).

If the dialog is closed by the user pressing the "Cancel" button or the ESCAPE key, the continue function is not used.

Note that global bindings to the ESCAPE key are temporarily disabled when the file dialog is open.

dst : the file selector will show up on top of the dst layout, or in a new window if dst is not provided.
board : See Popup.two_buttons. Note that, if board is omitted, the window will be created at the next frame, but the file selector layout is immediately created.
mimetype : only show files whose mimetype string (like "image/png") matches the regular expression.
name : default name to be chosen.
val select_files : ?dst:Layout.t ->
?board:Main.board ->
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?mimetype:Str.regexp ->
?n_files:int -> string -> (string list -> unit) -> unit

Similar to File.select_file except that here several files can be selected. If n_files is provided, it will be the maximum number of files that may be selected.

val select_dir : ?dst:Layout.t ->
?board:Main.board ->
?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?name:string -> string -> (string -> unit) -> unit

Similar to File.select_file except that here only a directory can be selected. If the user clicks on a directory name, they will be given the option to either open this directory (for further navigation), or select it (hence closing the dialog).

val select_dirs : ?dst:Layout.t ->
?board:Main.board ->
?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?n_dirs:int -> string -> (string list -> unit) -> unit

Similar to File.select_files except that here only directories can be selected.

val save_as : ?dst:Layout.t ->
?board:Main.board ->
?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?name:string -> string -> (string -> unit) -> unit

Similar to File.select_file, but here the user can enter a filename that does not already exist in the displayed directory.

val let@ : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

 ( let@ ) f x  is just  f x . You can use this "syntaxic sugar" to write your code like this:

let open File in
let@ file = select_file "/tmp" in
print_endline ("Selected file : " ^ file)

instead of

File.select_file "/tmp" (fun file ->
    print_endline ("Selected file : " ^ file))