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Functor Arg_helper.Make

module Make: 
functor (S : sig
module Key: sig .. end
module Value: sig .. end
end-> sig .. end
S : sig module Key : sig type t (** The textual representation of a key must not contain '=' or ','. *) val of_string : string -> t module Map : Map.S with type key = t end module Value : sig type t (** The textual representation of a value must not contain ','. *) val of_string : string -> t end end

type parsed 
val default : S.Value.t -> parsed
val set_base_default : S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
val add_base_override : S.Key.t -> S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
val reset_base_overrides : parsed -> parsed
val set_user_default : S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
val add_user_override : S.Key.t -> S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
val parse : string -> string -> parsed ref -> unit
type parse_result = 
| Ok
| Parse_failed of exn
val parse_no_error : string -> parsed ref -> parse_result
val get : key:S.Key.t -> parsed -> S.Value.t