Module Ast_helper.Mod
module Mod:sig
Module expressions
val mk : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->
Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Parsetree.module_expr
val attr : Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.attribute -> Parsetree.module_expr
val ident : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Ast_helper.lid -> Parsetree.module_expr
val structure : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.module_expr
val functor_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->
Parsetree.functor_parameter -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_expr
val apply : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->
Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_expr
val constraint_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->
Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.module_expr
val unpack : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.module_expr
val extension : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->
?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.extension -> Parsetree.module_expr
The present documentation is copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA). A complete version can be obtained from this page.