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Module Depend

module Depend: sig .. end

Module dependencies.

Warning: this module is unstable and part of compiler-libs.

module String: Misc.Stdlib.String
type map_tree = 
| Node of String.Set.t * bound_map
type bound_map = map_tree String.Map.t 
val make_leaf : string -> map_tree
val make_node : bound_map -> map_tree
val weaken_map : String.Set.t -> map_tree -> map_tree
val free_structure_names : String.Set.t ref
val pp_deps : string list ref

dependencies found by preprocessing tools

val open_module : bound_map -> Longident.t -> bound_map
val add_use_file : bound_map -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list -> unit
val add_signature : bound_map -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
val add_implementation : bound_map -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
val add_implementation_binding : bound_map -> Parsetree.structure -> bound_map
val add_signature_binding : bound_map -> Parsetree.signature -> bound_map