Module Bogue.Style

module Style: sig .. end

Line and box styles.

Dependency graph

type t 
type line_style = 
| Solid
| Dotted of (int * int)

not implemented

type line 
type border 
type shadow 
type gradient 
type background = 
| Image of Image.t (*

pattern image

| Solid of Draw.color
| Gradient of gradient
val create : ?background:background ->
?border:border ->
?shadow:shadow -> unit -> t
val empty : t
val of_bg : background -> t
val of_border : border -> t
val of_shadow : shadow -> t
val with_bg : background -> t -> t
val with_border : border -> t -> t
val with_shadow : shadow -> t -> t

Constructing backgrounds

val theme_bg : background
val color_bg : Draw.color -> background
val opaque_bg : Draw.rgb -> background
val image_bg : Image.t -> background
val gradient : ?angle:float -> Draw.color list -> background
val hgradient : Draw.color list -> background
val vgradient : Draw.color list -> background

Constructing borders

val mk_line : ?color:Draw.color ->
?width:int -> ?style:line_style -> unit -> line
val mk_border : ?radius:int -> line -> border

Note: currently, a border with positive radius is not compatible with a transparent background.

Constructing shadows

val mk_shadow : ?offset:int * int ->
?size:int -> ?width:int -> ?radius:int -> unit -> shadow