• en

Index of values

(<) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
(<=) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
(<>) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
(=) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
(>) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
(>=) [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
abs [Targetint]

Return the absolute value of its argument.

absname [Clflags]
absolute_path [Location]
acceptable [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
action [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
action [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
add [Targetint]


add [Load_path]
add_arguments [Clflags]
add_base_override [Arg_helper.Make]
add_dir [Load_path]

Add a directory to the load path

add_docs_attrs [Docstrings]

Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an attribute list

add_implementation [Depend]
add_implementation_binding [Depend]
add_info_attrs [Docstrings]

Convert field info to attributes and add them to an attribute list

add_ppx_context_sig [Ast_mapper]

Same as add_ppx_context_str, but for signatures.

add_ppx_context_str [Ast_mapper]

Extract information from the current environment and encode it into an attribute which is prepended to the list of structure items in order to pass the information to an external processor.

add_signature [Depend]
add_signature_binding [Depend]
add_text_attrs [Docstrings]

Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list

add_use_file [Depend]
add_user_override [Arg_helper.Make]
afl_inst_ratio [Clflags]
afl_instrument [Config]

Whether afl-fuzz instrumentation is generated by default

afl_instrument [Clflags]
alert [Location]

Prints an arbitrary alert.

alert_reporter [Location]

Hook for intercepting alerts.

alerts_of_attrs [Builtin_attributes]
alerts_of_sig [Builtin_attributes]
alerts_of_str [Builtin_attributes]
alias [Ast_helper.Mty]
alias [Ast_helper.Pat]
alias [Ast_helper.Typ]
align [Misc]
all_ccopts [Clflags]
all_columns [Profile]
all_passes [Clflags]
all_ppx [Clflags]
all_somes [Misc.Stdlib.Array]
annotations [Clflags]
ansi_of_style_l [Misc.Color]
any [Ast_helper.Pat]
any [Ast_helper.Typ]
applicative_functors [Clflags]
apply [Ast_mapper]

Apply a mapper (parametrized by the unit name) to a dumped parsetree found in the source file and put the result in the target file.

apply [Ast_helper.Cl]
apply [Ast_helper.Mod]
apply [Ast_helper.Exp]
apply_rewriters [Pparse]

If restore = true (the default), cookies set by external rewriters will be kept for later calls.

apply_rewriters_sig [Pparse]
apply_rewriters_str [Pparse]
ar [Config]

Name of the ar command, or "" if not needed (MSVC)

architecture [Config]

Name of processor type for the native-code compiler

arg_spec [Clflags]
array [Ast_helper.Exp]
array [Ast_helper.Pat]
arrow [Ast_helper.Cty]
arrow [Ast_helper.Typ]
as_has_debug_prefix_map [Config]

Whether the assembler supports --debug-prefix-map

asm [Config]

The assembler (and flags) to use for assembling ocamlopt-generated code.

asm_cfi_supported [Config]

Whether assembler understands CFI directives

assert_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
ast_impl_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for file holding an implementation syntax tree

ast_intf_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for file holding an interface syntax tree

attr [Ast_helper.Cf]
attr [Ast_helper.Cl]
attr [Ast_helper.Ctf]
attr [Ast_helper.Cty]
attr [Ast_helper.Mod]
attr [Ast_helper.Mty]
attr [Ast_helper.Exp]
attr [Ast_helper.Pat]
attr [Ast_helper.Typ]
attribute [Ast_helper.Cf]
attribute [Ast_helper.Ctf]
attribute [Ast_helper.Str]
attribute [Ast_helper.Sig]
attribute_of_warning [Ast_mapper]

Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree.

backtrack [Misc.EnvLazy]
backup [Warnings]
backup [Terminfo]
batch_mode_printer [Location]
best_toplevel_printer [Location]

Detects the terminal capabilities and selects an adequate printer

binary_annotations [Clflags]
binding_op [Ast_helper.Exp]
blit [Misc.LongString]
blit_string [Misc.LongString]
bytecode_compatible_32 [Clflags]
bytecomp_c_libraries [Config]

The C libraries to link with custom runtimes

c_compiler [Config]

The compiler to use for compiling C files

c_compiler [Clflags]
c_has_debug_prefix_map [Config]

Whether the C compiler supports -fdebug-prefix-map

c_output_obj [Config]

Name of the option of the C compiler for specifying the output file

call_external_preprocessor [Pparse]
call_linker [Ccomp]
case [Ast_helper.Exp]
ccobjs [Clflags]
ccomp_type [Config]

The "kind" of the C compiler, assembler and linker used: one of "cc" (for Unix-style C compilers) "msvc" (for Microsoft Visual C++ and MASM)

char [Ast_helper.Const]
check [Consistbl.Make]
check_alerts [Builtin_attributes]
check_alerts_inclusion [Builtin_attributes]
check_deprecated_mutable [Builtin_attributes]
check_deprecated_mutable_inclusion [Builtin_attributes]
check_fatal [Warnings]
check_no_alert [Builtin_attributes]
check_noadd [Consistbl.Make]
chop_extensions [Misc]
clambda_checks [Clflags]
class_ [Ast_helper.Str]
class_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
class_ [Ast_helper.Typ]
class_type [Ast_helper.Str]
class_type [Ast_helper.Sig]
classic [Clflags]
classic_arguments [Clflags]
classic_inlining [Clflags]
clear [Consistbl.Make]
cma_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for archive files

cmi_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for compiled interface files

cmo_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for object bytecode files

cmt_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for compiled interface files

cmx_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for compilation unit descriptions

cmxa_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for libraries of compilation unit descriptions

cmxs_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for dynamically-loadable plugins

coerce [Ast_helper.Exp]
color [Clflags]
color_reader [Clflags]
command [Ccomp]
comments [Lexer]
compare [Targetint]

The comparison function for target integers, with the same specification as Stdlib.compare.

compare [Misc.Stdlib.List]

The lexicographic order supported by the provided order.

compare [Misc.Stdlib]
compare [Int_replace_polymorphic_compare]
compare_items [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
compare_nonterminals [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
compare_productions [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
compare_symbols [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
compare_terminals [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
compile_file [Ccomp]
compile_only [Clflags]
component_graph [Strongly_connected_components.S]
compress [CamlinternalMenhirLib.RowDisplacement]
concrete [Ast_helper.Cf]
config_var [Config]

the configuration value of a variable, if it exists

connected_components_sorted_from_roots_to_leaf [Strongly_connected_components.S]
constant [Ast_helper.Exp]
constant [Ast_helper.Pat]
constr [Ast_helper.Cl]
constr [Ast_helper.Cty]
constr [Ast_helper.Typ]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Cl]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Ctf]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Mod]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
constraint_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
construct [Ast_helper.Exp]
construct [Ast_helper.Pat]
constructor [Ast_helper.Te]
constructor [Ast_helper.Type]
copy_file [Misc]
copy_file_chunk [Misc]
core_type [Pprintast]
core_type [Parse]
create [Misc.EnvLazy]
create [Misc.LongString]
create [Load_path.Dir]
create [Consistbl.Make]
create_archive [Ccomp]
create_failed [Misc.EnvLazy]
create_forced [Misc.EnvLazy]
create_hashtable [Misc]
curr [Location]

Get the location of the current token from the lexbuf.

current_state_number [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
custom_runtime [Clflags]
cut_at [Misc]

String.cut_at s c returns a pair containing the sub-string before the first occurrence of c in s, and the sub-string after the first occurrence of c in s.

data [Identifiable.Map]
debug [Clflags]
debug_full [Clflags]
debug_prefix_map_flags [Misc]

Returns the list of --debug-prefix-map flags to be passed to the assembler, built from the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP environment variable.

debug_runavail [Clflags]
decl [Ast_helper.Te]
decode_map [Build_path_prefix_map]
decode_pair [Build_path_prefix_map]
decode_prefix [Build_path_prefix_map]
default [Arg_helper.Make]
default_alert_reporter [Location]

Original alert reporter for use in hooks.

default_executable_name [Config]

Name of executable produced by linking if none is given with -o, e.g.

default_inline_alloc_cost [Clflags]
default_inline_branch_cost [Clflags]
default_inline_branch_factor [Clflags]
default_inline_call_cost [Clflags]
default_inline_indirect_cost [Clflags]
default_inline_lifting_benefit [Clflags]
default_inline_max_depth [Clflags]
default_inline_max_unroll [Clflags]
default_inline_prim_cost [Clflags]
default_inline_threshold [Clflags]
default_inline_toplevel_threshold [Clflags]
default_iterator [Ast_iterator]

A default iterator, which implements a "do not do anything" mapping.

default_loc [Ast_helper]

Default value for all optional location arguments.

default_mapper [Ast_mapper]

A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping.

default_reduction [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
default_reduction [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
default_report_printer [Location]

Original report printer for use in hooks.

default_safe_string [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured to use the -safe-string or -unsafe-string compile-time option by default.

default_setting [Misc.Error_style]
default_setting [Misc.Color]
default_simplify_rounds [Clflags]
default_styles [Misc.Color]
default_unbox_closures_factor [Clflags]
default_warning_reporter [Location]

Original warning reporter for use in hooks.

defaults_w [Warnings]
defaults_warn_error [Warnings]
delete_eol_spaces [Misc]

delete_eol_spaces s returns a fresh copy of s with any end of line spaces removed.

deprecated [Location]

Prints a deprecation alert.

did_you_mean [Misc]

did_you_mean ppf get_choices hints that the user may have meant one of the option returned by calling get_choices.

disjoint_union [Identifiable.Map]

disjoint_union m1 m2 contains all bindings from m1 and m2.

div [Targetint]

Integer division.

dlcode [Clflags]
dllibs [Clflags]
dllpaths [Clflags]
docs_attr [Docstrings]
docstring [Docstrings]

Create a docstring

docstring_body [Docstrings]

Get the text of a docstring

docstring_loc [Docstrings]

Get the location of a docstring

domain [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray]

domain a is a fresh copy of an initial segment of the array a whose length is extent a.

dont_write_files [Clflags]
drop [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
drop_ppx_context_sig [Ast_mapper]

Same as drop_ppx_context_str, but for signatures.

drop_ppx_context_str [Ast_mapper]

Drop the ocaml.ppx.context attribute from a structure.

dump_avail [Clflags]
dump_clambda [Clflags]
dump_cmm [Clflags]
dump_combine [Clflags]
dump_cse [Clflags]
dump_flambda [Clflags]
dump_flambda_let [Clflags]
dump_flambda_verbose [Clflags]
dump_instr [Clflags]
dump_interf [Clflags]
dump_interval [Clflags]
dump_into_file [Clflags]
dump_lambda [Clflags]
dump_linear [Clflags]
dump_live [Clflags]
dump_parsetree [Clflags]
dump_prefer [Clflags]
dump_rawclambda [Clflags]
dump_rawflambda [Clflags]
dump_rawlambda [Clflags]
dump_regalloc [Clflags]
dump_reload [Clflags]
dump_scheduling [Clflags]
dump_selection [Clflags]
dump_source [Clflags]
dump_spill [Clflags]
dump_split [Clflags]
dump_typedtree [Clflags]
dumped_pass [Clflags]
echo_eof [Location]
edit_distance [Misc]

edit_distance a b cutoff computes the edit distance between strings a and b.

empty_docs [Docstrings]
empty_info [Docstrings]
empty_text [Docstrings]
empty_text_lazy [Docstrings]
enable_call_counts [Config]

Whether call counts are to be available when Spacetime profiling

encode_map [Build_path_prefix_map]
encode_pair [Build_path_prefix_map]
encode_prefix [Build_path_prefix_map]
entry [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.MONOLITHIC_ENGINE]
env_has_default_reduction [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
equal [Targetint]

The equal function for target ints.

equal [Misc.Stdlib.List]

Returns true iff the given lists have the same length and content with respect to the given equality function.

equal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
error [Location]
error [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
error_of_exn [Location]
error_of_extension [Builtin_attributes]
error_of_printer [Location]
error_of_printer_file [Location]
error_size [Clflags]
error_style [Clflags]
error_style_reader [Clflags]
error_terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
error_terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
error_value [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
errorf [Location]
eval [Ast_helper.Str]
exception_ [Ast_helper.Str]
exception_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
exception_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
exec_magic_number [Config]

Magic number for bytecode executable files

exists2 [Misc.Stdlib.Array]
expand_directory [Misc]
expand_libname [Ccomp]
explicit_arity [Builtin_attributes]
expression [Printast]
expression [Pprintast]
expression [Parse]
ext_asm [Config]

Extension for assembler files, e.g.

ext_dll [Config]

Extension for dynamically-loaded libraries, e.g.

ext_lib [Config]

Extension for library files, e.g.

ext_obj [Config]

Extension for object files, e.g.

extension [Ast_helper.Cf]
extension [Ast_helper.Cl]
extension [Ast_helper.Ctf]
extension [Ast_helper.Cty]
extension [Ast_helper.Str]
extension [Ast_helper.Sig]
extension [Ast_helper.Mod]
extension [Ast_helper.Mty]
extension [Ast_helper.Exp]
extension [Ast_helper.Pat]
extension [Ast_helper.Typ]
extension_of_error [Ast_mapper]

Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree.

extent [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray]

extent a is the length of an initial segment of the array a that is sufficiently large to contain all set operations ever performed.

extract [Consistbl.Make]
extract_map [Consistbl.Make]
fatal_error [Misc]
fatal_errorf [Misc]
feed [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
field [Ast_helper.Type]
field [Ast_helper.Exp]
file [Pparse]
files [Load_path.Dir]

All the files in that directory.

filter [Consistbl.Make]
filter_map [Identifiable.Map]
find [Load_path]

Locate a file in the load path.

find_and_chop_longest_common_prefix [Misc.Stdlib.List]

Returns the longest list that, with respect to the provided equality function, is a prefix of both of the given lists.

find_in_path [Misc]
find_in_path_rel [Misc]
find_in_path_uncap [Misc]
find_map [Misc.Stdlib.List]

find_map f l returns the first evaluation of f that returns Some, or returns None if there is no such element.

find_production [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
find_production [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
find_uncap [Load_path]

Same as find, but search also for uncapitalized name, i.e.

first [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
first [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
flambda [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured for flambda

flambda_invariant_checks [Clflags]
flat_float_array [Config]

Whether the compiler and runtime automagically flatten float arrays

flatten [Longident]
flexdll_dirs [Config]

Directories needed for the FlexDLL objects

float [Ast_helper.Const]
float_const_prop [Clflags]
foldr [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
for4 [Misc]
for_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
for_all [Misc.Stdlib.String]
for_all2 [Misc]
for_alli [Misc.Stdlib.Array]

Same as Array.for_all, but the function is applied with the index of the element as first argument, and the element itself as second argument.

for_package [Clflags]
force [Misc.EnvLazy]
force_logged [Misc.EnvLazy]
force_poly [Ast_helper.Typ]
force_reduction [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
force_slash [Clflags]
foreach_terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
foreach_terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
foreach_terminal_but_error [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
formatter_for_warnings [Location]
free_structure_names [Depend]
fst3 [Misc]
fst4 [Misc]
fun_ [Ast_helper.Cl]
fun_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
function_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
function_sections [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured to generate each function in a separate section

function_sections [Clflags]
functor_ [Ast_helper.Mod]
functor_ [Ast_helper.Mty]
generate [Profile]
get [Misc.LongString]
get [Load_path]

Same as get_paths (), except that it returns a Dir.t list.

get [Clflags.Float_arg_helper]
get [Clflags.Int_arg_helper]
get [CamlinternalMenhirLib.RowDisplacement]
get [CamlinternalMenhirLib.PackedIntArray]
get [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray]

get a i returns the element contained at offset i in the array a.

get [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
get [Arg_helper.Make]
get1 [CamlinternalMenhirLib.PackedIntArray]
get_arg [Misc.EnvLazy]
get_build_path_prefix_map [Misc]

Returns the map encoded in the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP environment variable.

get_cookie [Ast_mapper]
get_no_payload_attribute [Attr_helper]

The string list argument of the following functions is a list of alternative names for the attribute we are looking for.

get_paths [Load_path]

Return the list of directories passed to add_dir so far, in reverse order.

get_pos_info [Location]

file, line, char

get_ref [Misc]
get_styles [Misc.Color]
getget [CamlinternalMenhirLib.RowDisplacement]
goto [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
goto_nt [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
goto_prod [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
handle_docstrings [Lexer]
handling_error [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
has_boxed [Builtin_attributes]
has_no_payload_attribute [Attr_helper]
has_unboxed [Builtin_attributes]
help_warnings [Warnings]
highlight_terminfo [Location]
host [Config]

Whether the compiler is a cross-compiler

ident [Ast_helper.Mod]
ident [Ast_helper.Mty]
ident [Ast_helper.Exp]
idx_of_field [Domainstate]
ifthenelse [Ast_helper.Exp]
ill_formed_ast [Syntaxerr]
immediate [Builtin_attributes]
immediate64 [Builtin_attributes]
implementation [Printast]
implementation [Parser.Incremental]
implementation [Parser]
implementation [Parse]
in_comment [Lexer]
in_file [Location]

Return an empty ghost range located in a given file.

in_string [Lexer]
include_ [Ast_helper.Str]
include_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
include_dirs [Clflags]
incoming_symbol [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
info_attr [Docstrings]
inherit_ [Ast_helper.Of]
inherit_ [Ast_helper.Rf]
inherit_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
inherit_ [Ast_helper.Ctf]
init [Location]

Set the file name and line number of the lexbuf to be the start of the named file.

init [Load_path]

init l is the same as reset (); List.iter add_dir (List.rev l)

init [Lexer]
init [Docstrings]

(Re)Initialise all docstring state

init_file [Clflags]
initializer_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
initiating_error_handling [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
inline_alloc_cost [Clflags]
inline_branch_cost [Clflags]
inline_branch_factor [Clflags]
inline_call_cost [Clflags]
inline_indirect_cost [Clflags]
inline_lifting_benefit [Clflags]
inline_max_depth [Clflags]
inline_max_unroll [Clflags]
inline_prim_cost [Clflags]
inline_threshold [Clflags]
inline_toplevel_threshold [Clflags]
inlining_report [Clflags]
input_bytes [Misc.LongString]
input_bytes_into [Misc.LongString]
input_lexbuf [Location]
input_name [Location]
input_needed [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
input_phrase_buffer [Location]
insn_sched [Clflags]
insn_sched_default [Clflags]
int [Misc.Int_literal_converter]
int [Ast_helper.Const]
int32 [Misc.Int_literal_converter]
int32 [Ast_helper.Const]
int64 [Misc.Int_literal_converter]
int64 [Ast_helper.Const]
integer [Ast_helper.Const]
interface [Printast]
interface [Parser.Incremental]
interface [Parser]
interface [Parse]
interface_suffix [Config]

Suffix for interface file names

interval [Ast_helper.Pat]
is_active [Warnings]
is_error [Warnings]
is_prefix [Misc.Stdlib.List]

Returns true iff the given list, with respect to the given equality function on list members, is a prefix of the list of_.

is_start [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
items [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
keep_asm_file [Clflags]
keep_camlprimc_file [Clflags]
keep_docs [Clflags]
keep_locs [Clflags]
keep_startup_file [Clflags]
keys [Identifiable.Map]
last [Longident]
last [CamlinternalMenhirLib.ErrorReports]
lazy_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
lazy_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
lazy_tag [Config]

Normally the same as Obj.lazy_tag.

length [Misc.LongString]
length [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
length [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
let_ [Ast_helper.Cl]
let_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
letexception [Ast_helper.Exp]
letmodule [Ast_helper.Exp]
letop [Ast_helper.Exp]
lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
lhs [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
lhs [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
libunwind_available [Config]

Whether the libunwind library is available on the target

libunwind_link_flags [Config]

Linker flags to use libunwind

link_everything [Clflags]
list_remove [Misc]
location_of_error [Syntaxerr]
log [Misc.EnvLazy]
log [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
log2 [Misc]
logand [Targetint]

Bitwise logical and.

lognot [Targetint]

Bitwise logical negation.

logor [Targetint]

Bitwise logical or.

logxor [Targetint]

Bitwise logical exclusive or.

longident [Pprintast]
lookahead_token [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
loop [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
loop_handle [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
loop_handle_undo [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
lr0_core [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
lr0_incoming [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
lr0_items [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
make [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
make [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray]

make x creates an infinite array, where every slot contains x.

make_archive [Clflags]
make_leaf [Depend]
make_node [Depend]
make_package [Clflags]
make_runtime [Clflags]
map [Identifiable.Tbl]
map [Identifiable.Set]
map2_prefix [Misc.Stdlib.List]

let r1, r2 = map2_prefix f l1 l2 If l1 is of length n and l2 = h2 @ t2 with h2 of length n, r1 is List.map2 f l1 h1 and r2 is t2.

map_end [Misc]
map_keys [Identifiable.Map]
map_left_right [Misc]
map_opt [Ast_mapper]
mark_rhs_docs [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between two positions (for ambiguity warnings)

mark_rhs_docs [Docstrings]

Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between two positions (for ambiguity warnings)

mark_symbol_docs [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity warnings).

mark_symbol_docs [Docstrings]

Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity warnings).

match_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
match_context_rows [Clflags]
max_int [Targetint]

The greatest representable target integer, either 231 - 1 on a 32-bit platform, or 263 - 1 on a 64-bit platform.

max_tag [Config]

Biggest tag that can be stored in the header of a regular block.

max_young_wosize [Config]

Maximal size of arrays that are directly allocated in the minor heap

may_reduce [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
maybe_goto_nt [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
memoize [Identifiable.Tbl]
method_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
method_ [Ast_helper.Ctf]
min_int [Targetint]

The smallest representable target integer, either -231 on a 32-bit platform, or -263 on a 64-bit platform.

minus_one [Targetint]

The target integer -1.

mk [Ast_helper.Of]
mk [Ast_helper.Rf]
mk [Ast_helper.Cstr]
mk [Ast_helper.Csig]
mk [Ast_helper.Ci]
mk [Ast_helper.Cf]
mk [Ast_helper.Cl]
mk [Ast_helper.Ctf]
mk [Ast_helper.Cty]
mk [Ast_helper.Vb]
mk [Ast_helper.Incl]
mk [Ast_helper.Opn]
mk [Ast_helper.Mb]
mk [Ast_helper.Mtd]
mk [Ast_helper.Ms]
mk [Ast_helper.Md]
mk [Ast_helper.Str]
mk [Ast_helper.Sig]
mk [Ast_helper.Mod]
mk [Ast_helper.Mty]
mk [Ast_helper.Te]
mk [Ast_helper.Type]
mk [Ast_helper.Val]
mk [Ast_helper.Exp]
mk [Ast_helper.Pat]
mk [Ast_helper.Typ]
mk [Ast_helper.Attr]
mk_exception [Ast_helper.Te]
mk_lazy [Warnings]

Like Lazy.of_fun, but the function is applied with the warning/alert settings at the time mk_lazy is called.

mkdll [Config]

The linker command line to build dynamic libraries.

mkexe [Config]

The linker command line to build executables.

mkloc [Location]
mkmaindll [Config]

The linker command line to build main programs as dlls.

mknoloc [Location]
mod_subst [Ast_helper.Sig]
model [Config]

Name of processor submodel for the native-code compiler

modtype [Ast_helper.Str]
modtype [Ast_helper.Sig]
module_ [Ast_helper.Str]
module_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
msg [Location]
mul [Targetint]


native_c_libraries [Config]

The C libraries to link with native-code programs

native_code [Clflags]
native_pack_linker [Config]

The linker to use for packaging (ocamlopt -pack) and for partial links (ocamlopt -output-obj).

nativeint [Misc.Int_literal_converter]
nativeint [Ast_helper.Const]
neg [Targetint]

Unary negation.

new_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
newtype [Ast_helper.Exp]
no_auto_link [Clflags]
no_check_prims [Clflags]
no_overflow_add [Misc]
no_overflow_lsl [Misc]
no_overflow_mul [Misc]
no_overflow_sub [Misc]
no_std_include [Clflags]
noassert [Clflags]
noinit [Clflags]
none [Location]

An arbitrary value of type t; describes an empty ghost range.

nonterminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
nopervasives [Clflags]
noprompt [Clflags]
nopromptcont [Clflags]
normalise_eol [Misc]

normalise_eol s returns a fresh copy of s with any '\r' characters removed.

noversion [Clflags]
nullable [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
nullable [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
num_lines [Terminfo]
number [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
number [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
o1_arguments [Clflags]
o2_arguments [Clflags]
o3_arguments [Clflags]
object_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
object_ [Ast_helper.Typ]
objfiles [Clflags]
ocamlc_cflags [Config]

The flags ocamlc should pass to the C compiler

ocamlc_cppflags [Config]

The flags ocamlc should pass to the C preprocessor

ocamlopt_cflags [Config]

The flags ocamlopt should pass to the C compiler

ocamlopt_cppflags [Config]

The flags ocamlopt should pass to the C preprocessor

of_float [Targetint]

Convert the given floating-point number to a target integer, discarding the fractional part (truncate towards 0).

of_int [Targetint]

Convert the given integer (type int) to a target integer (type t), module the target word size.

of_int32 [Targetint]

Convert the given 32-bit integer (type int32) to a target integer.

of_int64 [Targetint]

Convert the given 64-bit integer (type int64) to a target integer.

of_int64_exn [Numbers.Int16]
of_int_exn [Targetint]

Convert the given integer (type int) to a target integer (type t).

of_int_exn [Numbers.Int16]
of_int_exn [Numbers.Int8]
of_list [Identifiable.Tbl]
of_list [Identifiable.Map]
of_list [Identifiable.Set]
of_map [Identifiable.Tbl]
of_set [Identifiable.Map]
of_string [Targetint]

Convert the given string to a target integer.

of_string [Clflags.Compiler_pass]
offer [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
one [Targetint]

The target integer 1.

one [Numbers.Int8]
opaque [Clflags]
open_ [Ast_helper.Cl]
open_ [Ast_helper.Cty]
open_ [Ast_helper.Str]
open_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
open_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
open_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
open_and_check_magic [Pparse]
open_module [Depend]
open_modules [Clflags]
optimize_for_speed [Clflags]
options_doc [Profile]
or_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
output [Misc.LongString]
output [Identifiable.Set]
output [Identifiable.Thing]
output_c_object [Clflags]
output_complete_executable [Clflags]
output_complete_object [Clflags]
output_name [Clflags]
output_to_file_via_temporary [Misc]
override [Ast_helper.Exp]
pack [CamlinternalMenhirLib.PackedIntArray]
pack [Ast_helper.Exp]
package [Ast_helper.Typ]
parse [Longident]
parse [Clflags.Float_arg_helper]
parse [Clflags.Int_arg_helper]
parse [Arg_helper.Make]
parse_alert_option [Warnings]

Disable/enable alerts based on the parameter to the -alert command-line option.

parse_arguments [Clflags]
parse_core_type [Parser.Incremental]
parse_core_type [Parser]
parse_expression [Parser.Incremental]
parse_expression [Parser]
parse_implementation [Pparse]
parse_interface [Pparse]
parse_no_error [Clflags.Float_arg_helper]
parse_no_error [Clflags.Int_arg_helper]
parse_no_error [Arg_helper.Make]
parse_options [Warnings]
parse_pattern [Parser.Incremental]
parse_pattern [Parser]
pass_names [Clflags.Compiler_pass]
passes [Clflags.Compiler_pass]
path [Load_path.Dir]
pattern [Pprintast]
pattern [Parse]
payload [Printast]
pic_code [Clflags]
plugin [Clflags]
poly [Ast_helper.Exp]
poly [Ast_helper.Typ]
pop [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
pop_many [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
positions [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
pp_deps [Depend]

dependencies found by preprocessing tools

pp_two_columns [Misc]

pp_two_columns ?sep ?max_lines ppf l prints the lines in l as two columns separated by sep ("|" by default).

pred [Targetint]


preprocess [Pparse]
preprocessor [Clflags]
prerr_alert [Location]

Same as print_alert, but uses !formatter_for_warnings as output formatter.

prerr_warning [Location]

Same as print_warning, but uses !formatter_for_warnings as output formatter.

primitive [Ast_helper.Str]
principal [Clflags]
print [Targetint]

Print a target integer to a formatter.

print [Profile]

Prints the selected recorded profiling information to the formatter.

print [Misc.Stdlib.Option]
print [Identifiable.Map]
print [Identifiable.Set]
print [Identifiable.Thing]
print [Misc.Stdlib.String]
print_alert [Location]

Prints an alert.

print_arguments [Clflags]
print_config [Config]

Access to configuration values

print_current_state [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_element_as_symbol [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_env [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_filename [Location]
print_if [Misc]

print_if ppf flag fmt x prints x with fmt on ppf if b is true.

print_item [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_loc [Location]
print_locs [Location]
print_production [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_report [Location]

Display an error or warning report.

print_stack [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_symbols [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make]
print_types [Clflags]
print_warning [Location]

Prints a warning.

print_warnings [Lexer]
production_index [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
production_index [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
profile_columns [Clflags]
profinfo [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured for profiling

profinfo_width [Config]

How many bits are to be used in values' headers for profiling information

protect_refs [Misc]

protect_refs l f temporarily sets r to v for each R (r, v) in l while executing f.

protect_writing_to_file [Misc]

Open the given filename for writing (in binary mode), pass the out_channel to the given function, then close the channel.

quote_files [Ccomp]
quote_optfile [Ccomp]
raise_errorf [Location]
ranlib [Config]

Command to randomize a library, or "" if not needed

read [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
read_ast [Pparse]
read_row [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
read_row_via [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
read_via [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
real_paths [Clflags]
rebind [Ast_helper.Te]
rec_module [Ast_helper.Str]
rec_module [Ast_helper.Sig]
record [Profile]

record pass f arg records the profile information of f arg

record [Ast_helper.Exp]
record [Ast_helper.Pat]
record_call [Profile]

record_call pass f calls f and records its profile information.

recursive_types [Clflags]
reduce_or_accept [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
register [Docstrings]

Register a docstring

register [Ast_mapper]

Apply the register_function.

register_error_of_exn [Location]

Each compiler module which defines a custom type of exception which can surface as a user-visible error should register a "printer" for this exception using register_error_of_exn.

register_function [Ast_mapper]
rem [Targetint]

Integer remainder.

remove_dir [Load_path]

Remove a directory from the load path

remove_file [Misc]
remove_preprocessed [Pparse]
remove_unused_arguments [Clflags]
rename [Identifiable.Map]
replace_substring [Misc]
replicate_list [Misc]
report [Warnings]
report_alert [Warnings]
report_alert [Location]

report_alert loc w produces a report for the given alert w, or None if the alert is not to be printed.

report_error [Pparse]
report_error [Attr_helper]
report_exception [Location]

Reraise the exception if it is unknown.

report_printer [Location]

Hook for redefining the printer of reports.

report_warning [Location]

report_warning loc w produces a report for the given warning w, or None if the warning is not to be printed.

repr [Targetint]

The concrete representation of a native integer.

require_20181113 [CamlinternalMenhirLib.StaticVersion]
reset [Profile]

erase all recorded profile information

reset [Location]
reset [Load_path]

Remove all directories

reset_arguments [Clflags]
reset_base_overrides [Arg_helper.Make]
reset_fatal [Warnings]
restore [Warnings]
resume [Terminfo]
resume [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
resuming_error_handling [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
rev_split_words [Misc]
revised2traditional [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert.Simplified]
revised2traditional [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert]
rewrite [Build_path_prefix_map]
rewrite_absolute_path [Location]

rewrite absolute path to honor the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP variable (https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/build-path-prefix-map/) if it is set.

rewrite_opt [Build_path_prefix_map]

rewrite_opt map path tries to find a source in map that is a prefix of the input path.

rhs [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
rhs [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
rhs_docs [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two positions.

rhs_docs [Docstrings]

Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two positions.

rhs_docs_lazy [Docstrings.WithMenhir]
rhs_docs_lazy [Docstrings]
rhs_info [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position.

rhs_info [Docstrings]

Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position.

rhs_interval [Location]
rhs_loc [Location]

rhs_loc n returns the location of the symbol at position n, starting at 1, in the current parser rule.

rhs_post_extra_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position

rhs_post_extra_text [Docstrings]

Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position

rhs_post_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch text following the symbol at the given position

rhs_post_text [Docstrings]

Fetch text following the symbol at the given position

rhs_pre_extra_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position

rhs_pre_extra_text [Docstrings]

Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position

rhs_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position.

rhs_text [Docstrings]

Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position.

rhs_text_lazy [Docstrings.WithMenhir]
rhs_text_lazy [Docstrings]
rounds [Clflags]
row_length [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
row_length_via [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
run_command [Ccomp]
run_main [Ast_mapper]

Entry point to call to implement a standalone -ppx rewriter from a mapper, parametrized by the command line arguments.

runtime_variant [Clflags]
safe_string [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured with -force-safe-string; in that case, the -unsafe-string compile-time option is unavailable

search_substring [Misc]
semantic_action [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
semantic_action [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
send [Ast_helper.Exp]
sequence [Ast_helper.Exp]
set [Misc.LongString]
set [Consistbl.Make]
set [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray]

set a i x sets the element contained at offset i in the array a to x.

set_base_default [Arg_helper.Make]
set_color_tag_handling [Misc.Color]
set_cookie [Ast_mapper]
set_dumped_pass [Clflags]
set_floating_docstrings [Docstrings]

Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token

set_or_ignore [Misc]
set_post_docstrings [Docstrings]

Docstrings immediately following a token

set_post_extra_docstrings [Docstrings]

Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one

set_pre_docstrings [Docstrings]

Docstrings immediately preceding a token

set_pre_extra_docstrings [Docstrings]

Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one

set_preprocessor [Lexer]
set_styles [Misc.Color]
set_user_default [Arg_helper.Make]
setfield [Ast_helper.Exp]
setinstvar [Ast_helper.Exp]
setup [Terminfo]
setup [Misc.Color]
shared [Clflags]
shift [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
shift_left [Targetint]

Targetint.shift_left x y shifts x to the left by y bits.

shift_right [Targetint]

Targetint.shift_right x y shifts x to the right by y bits.

shift_right_logical [Targetint]

Targetint.shift_right_logical x y shifts x to the right by y bits.

shifts [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
should_stop_after [Clflags]
show [CamlinternalMenhirLib.ErrorReports]
show_config_and_exit [Misc]

configuration variables

show_config_variable_and_exit [Misc]
show_filename [Location]

In -absname mode, return the absolute path for this filename.

signature [Pprintast]
signature [Ast_invariants]
signature [Ast_helper.Cty]
signature [Ast_helper.Mty]
simplify_rounds [Clflags]
size [Targetint]

The size in bits of a target native integer.

skip_hash_bang [Lexer]
snd3 [Misc]
snd4 [Misc]
some_if_all_elements_are_some [Misc.Stdlib.List]

If all elements of the given list are Some _ then Some xs is returned with the xs being the contents of those Somes, with order preserved.

source [Consistbl.Make]
spacetime [Config]

Whether the compiler was configured for Spacetime profiling

spellcheck [Misc]

spellcheck env name takes a list of names env that exist in the current environment and an erroneous name, and returns a list of suggestions taken from env, that are close enough to name that it may be a typo for one of them.

split_at [Misc.Stdlib.List]

split_at n l returns the pair before, after where before is the n first elements of l and after the remaining ones.

split_last [Misc]
split_path_contents [Misc]
stack [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
stack_safety_margin [Config]

Size in words of the safety margin between the bottom of the stack and the stack pointer.

stack_threshold [Config]

Size in words of safe area at bottom of VM stack, see runtime/caml/config.h

standard_library [Config]

The directory containing the standard libraries

standout [Terminfo]
start [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
start [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE_START]
state [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log]
state_has_default_reduction [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
std_include_dir [Clflags]
std_include_flag [Clflags]
stop_after [Clflags]
strict_formats [Clflags]
strict_sequence [Clflags]
string [Ast_helper.Const]
string_of_expression [Pprintast]
string_of_file [Misc]
string_of_structure [Pprintast]
structure [Printast]
structure [Pprintast]
structure [Ast_invariants]
structure [Ast_helper.Cl]
structure [Ast_helper.Mod]
sub [Targetint]


succ [Targetint]


supports_shared_libraries [Config]

Whether shared libraries are supported

symbol_docs [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol.

symbol_docs [Docstrings]

Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol.

symbol_docs_lazy [Docstrings.WithMenhir]
symbol_docs_lazy [Docstrings]
symbol_gloc [Location]
symbol_info [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the field info for the current symbol.

symbol_info [Docstrings]

Fetch the field info for the current symbol.

symbol_post_extra_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch additional text following the current symbol

symbol_post_extra_text [Docstrings]

Fetch additional text following the current symbol

symbol_pre_extra_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol

symbol_pre_extra_text [Docstrings]

Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol

symbol_rloc [Location]
symbol_text [Docstrings.WithMenhir]

Fetch the text preceding the current symbol.

symbol_text [Docstrings]

Fetch the text preceding the current symbol.

symbol_text_lazy [Docstrings.WithMenhir]
symbol_text_lazy [Docstrings]
system [Config]

Name of operating system for the native-code compiler

systhread_supported [Config]

Whether the system thread library is implemented

tag [Ast_helper.Of]
tag [Ast_helper.Rf]
take [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
target [Config]

Whether the compiler is a cross-compiler

terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES]
terminfo_toplevel_printer [Location]
text [Ast_helper.Cf]
text [Ast_helper.Ctf]
text [Ast_helper.Str]
text [Ast_helper.Sig]
text_attr [Docstrings]
thd3 [Misc]
thd4 [Misc]
to_float [Targetint]

Convert the given target integer to a floating-point number.

to_int [Targetint]

Convert the given target integer (type t) to an integer (type int).

to_int [Numbers.Int16]
to_int [Numbers.Int8]
to_int32 [Targetint]

Convert the given target integer to a 32-bit integer (type int32).

to_int64 [Targetint]

Convert the given target integer to a 64-bit integer (type int64).

to_list [Identifiable.Tbl]
to_map [Identifiable.Tbl]
to_string [Targetint]

Return the string representation of its argument, in decimal.

to_string [Identifiable.Set]
to_string [Clflags.Compiler_pass]
token [Lexer]
token2terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
token2terminal [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
token2value [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
token2value [CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE]
token_with_comments [Lexer]
tool_name [Ast_mapper]

Can be used within a ppx preprocessor to know which tool is calling it "ocamlc", "ocamlopt", "ocamldoc", "ocamldep", "ocaml", ...

top [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
top_phrase [Printast]
top_phrase [Pprintast]
toplevel_phrase [Pprintast]
toplevel_phrase [Parser.Incremental]
toplevel_phrase [Parser]
toplevel_phrase [Parse]
trace [CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES]
traditional2revised [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert.Simplified]
traditional2revised [CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert]
transl [Profile]
transparent_modules [Clflags]
transpose_keys_and_data [Identifiable.Map]
transpose_keys_and_data_set [Identifiable.Map]
try_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
try_finally [Misc]

try_finally work ~always ~exceptionally is designed to run code in work that may fail with an exception, and has two kind of cleanup routines: always, that must be run after any execution of the function (typically, freeing system resources), and exceptionally, that should be run only if work or always failed with an exception (typically, undoing user-visible state changes that would only make sense if the function completes correctly).

tuple [Ast_helper.Exp]
tuple [Ast_helper.Pat]
tuple [Ast_helper.Typ]
type_ [Ast_helper.Str]
type_ [Ast_helper.Sig]
type_ [Ast_helper.Pat]
type_extension [Ast_helper.Str]
type_extension [Ast_helper.Sig]
type_subst [Ast_helper.Sig]
typeof_ [Ast_helper.Mty]
typing [Profile]
tyvar [Pprintast]

Print a type variable name, taking care of the special treatment required for the single quote character in second position.

unbox_closures [Clflags]
unbox_closures_factor [Clflags]
unbox_free_vars_of_closures [Clflags]
unbox_specialised_args [Clflags]
unboxed_types [Clflags]
unflatten [Longident]
unflatten1 [CamlinternalMenhirLib.PackedIntArray]
union_left [Identifiable.Map]

union_left m1 m2 = union_right m2 m1

union_merge [Identifiable.Map]
union_right [Identifiable.Map]

union_right m1 m2 contains all bindings from m1 and m2.

uniq [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
unique_ids [Clflags]
unpack [Ast_helper.Mod]
unpack [Ast_helper.Pat]
unreachable [Ast_helper.Exp]
unsafe [Clflags]
unsafe_string [Clflags]
unsigned_compare [Targetint]

Same as Targetint.compare, except that arguments are interpreted as unsigned integers.

unsigned_div [Targetint]

Same as Targetint.div, except that arguments and result are interpreted as unsigned integers.

unsigned_rem [Targetint]

Same as Targetint.rem, except that arguments and result are interpreted as unsigned integers.

use_file [Parser.Incremental]
use_file [Parser]
use_file [Parse]
use_inlining_arguments_set [Clflags]

Set all the inlining arguments for a round.

use_linscan [Clflags]
use_prims [Clflags]
use_runtime [Clflags]
use_threads [Clflags]
val_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
val_ [Ast_helper.Ctf]
value [Ast_helper.Str]
value [Ast_helper.Sig]
var [Ast_helper.Pat]
var [Ast_helper.Typ]
variant [Ast_helper.Exp]
variant [Ast_helper.Pat]
variant [Ast_helper.Typ]
varify_constructors [Ast_helper.Typ]

varify_constructors newtypes te is type expression te, of which any of nullary type constructor tc is replaced by type variable of the same name, if tc's name appears in newtypes.

verbose [Clflags]
version [Config]

The current version number of the system

virtual_ [Ast_helper.Cf]
warn_bad_docstrings [Docstrings]

Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings

warn_on_literal_pattern [Builtin_attributes]
warning_attribute [Builtin_attributes]

Apply warning settings from the specified attribute.

warning_reporter [Location]

Hook for intercepting warnings.

warning_scope [Builtin_attributes]

Execute a function in a new scope for warning settings.

weaken_map [Depend]
weed [CamlinternalMenhirLib.General]
while_ [Ast_helper.Exp]
windows_unicode [Config]

Whether Windows Unicode runtime is enabled

with_ [Ast_helper.Mty]
with_default_loc [Ast_helper]

Set the default_loc within the scope of the execution of the provided function.

with_flambda_invariants [Config]

Whether the invariants checks for flambda are enabled

with_frame_pointers [Config]

Whether assembler should maintain frame pointers

with_runtime [Clflags]
without_warnings [Warnings]

Run the thunk with all warnings and alerts disabled.

wrap [CamlinternalMenhirLib.ErrorReports]
write [CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray]
write_ast [Pparse]
xfirst [CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION]
zero [Targetint]

The target integer 0.

zero [Numbers.Int8]
zero_to_n [Numbers.Int]

zero_to_n n is the set of numbers {0, ..., n} (inclusive).