A | |
Avar [Bogue] | Animated variables. |
B | |
Bogue | Alias for |
Bogue | General purpose GUI (Graphical user interface) library for Ocaml. |
Box [Bogue] | Box widget. |
Button [Bogue] | Button widget with text or icon. |
C | |
Check [Bogue] | Checkbox widget. |
D | |
Draw [Bogue] | Low-level graphics and colors. |
E | |
Empty [Bogue] | Empty widget. |
F | |
File [Bogue] | File dialog and file monitor |
I | |
Image [Bogue] | Image widget. |
L | |
Label [Bogue] | One-line text widget. |
Layout [Bogue] | The main, all-purpose graphics container. |
Long_list [Bogue] | Handle large lists by not displaying all elements at once. |
M | |
Main [Bogue] | Control the workflow of the GUI mainloop. |
Menu [Bogue] | Various types of menus. |
Mime [Bogue.File] | Mimetype information |
Mixer [Bogue] | Basic audio mixer for sound effects. |
Monitor [Bogue.File] | Monitoring changes in a directory. |
Mouse [Bogue] | Mouse and touchscreen information. |
P | |
Popup [Bogue] | Put layouts on top of others, or in new windows. |
Print [Bogue] | Convert Bogue objects to strings for debugging. |
R | |
Radiolist [Bogue] | Check list with a single choice. |
Resize [Bogue.Layout] | Resize strategies for |
S | |
Sdl_area [Bogue] | SDL Area widget. |
Select [Bogue] | Drop-down select list. |
Selection [Bogue] | Unions of ranges of integers |
Slider [Bogue] | Slider widget. |
Snapshot [Bogue] | Create an image from a Layout. |
Space [Bogue] | Adjust various spacing and sizes of layouts. |
Style [Bogue] | Line and box styles. |
Sync [Bogue] | Synchronized execution queue. |
T | |
Table [Bogue] | Tables with sortable columns and selectable rows. |
Tabs [Bogue] | Switch between layouts using Tabs. |
Text_display [Bogue] | Multi-line text display widget. |
Text_input [Bogue] | One-line text-input widget. |
Theme [Bogue] | Theme variables. |
Time [Bogue] | Time in msec. |
Timeout [Bogue] | Delayed actions. |
Trigger [Bogue] | Dealing with events. |
Tvar [Bogue] | Transform variables |
U | |
Update [Bogue] | Updating widgets |
Utils [Bogue] | Utilities. |
V | |
Var [Bogue] | Global variables with mutex. |
W | |
Widget [Bogue] | Creating widgets and giving life to them |
Window [Bogue] | Windows |