A |
action [Bogue.Menu] |
action [Bogue.Widget] |
An action is a function with three parameters w1 w2 ev , where
w1 is the source widget, w2 the target widget, and ev the event
(Trigger.t ) that triggered the action.
action_priority [Bogue.Widget] |
adjust [Bogue.Layout] |
align [Bogue.Draw] |
B |
background [Bogue.Layout] |
Warning, the background type corresponds actually to the Style.t
type, which means it includes color backgrounds, image patterns, corner and
shadow styles.
background [Bogue.Style] |
board [Bogue.Main] |
The board is the whole universe of your GUI.
bogue_event [Bogue.Trigger] |
border [Bogue.Style] |
C |
callback [Bogue.Avar] |
canvas [Bogue.Draw] |
Contains the hardware information for drawing (SDL renderer and
color [Bogue.Draw] |
column [Bogue.Table] |
connection [Bogue.Widget] |
content [Bogue.Menu] |
D |
direction [Bogue.Avar] |
draw_element [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
E |
entry [Bogue.Menu] |
F |
fill [Bogue.Draw] |
filter [Bogue.Text_input] |
font [Bogue.Label] |
G |
gradient [Bogue.Style] |
K |
kind [Bogue.Slider] |
kind [Bogue.Button] |
L |
label [Bogue.Menu] |
line [Bogue.Style] |
line_style [Bogue.Style] |
P |
position [Bogue.Popup] |
R |
repeat [Bogue.Mixer] |
rgb [Bogue.Draw] |
red, green and blue values are integers in the range 0..255
room_content [Bogue.Layout] |
S |
sdl_event [Bogue.Trigger] |
shadow [Bogue.Style] |
shortcut_action [Bogue.Main] |
shortcuts [Bogue.Main] |
sound [Bogue.Mixer] |
strategy [Bogue.Layout.Resize] |
style [Bogue.Check] |
style [Bogue.Label] |
T |
t [Bogue.Window] |
t [Bogue.Table] |
t [Bogue.Radiolist] |
t [Bogue.Menu] |
t [Bogue.Long_list] |
t [Bogue.Layout] |
t [Bogue.Widget] |
The type Widget.t is a union of all kinds of widgets: Box, Button, Check box,
Image, Label, Slider, Text display, and Text input, plus the Empty
t [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
t [Bogue.Box] |
t [Bogue.Text_input] |
t [Bogue.Text_display] |
t [Bogue.Check] |
t [Bogue.Slider] |
t [Bogue.Button] |
t [Bogue.Label] |
t [Bogue.Style] |
t [Bogue.Image] |
t [Bogue.Selection] |
t [Bogue.Avar] |
t [Bogue.Tvar] |
a transform variable of type ('a,'b) is a variable of type 'b attached
to a variable of type 'a Var.t by a bi-directional transformation.
t [Bogue.Mixer] |
t [Bogue.Trigger] |
t [Bogue.Timeout] |
t [Bogue.Var] |
t [Bogue.Time] |
texture [Bogue.Draw] |
W |
words [Bogue.Text_display] |