A | |
activate [Bogue.Text_input] | Warning: two Text_input widgets cannot be active at the same time. |
active_widgets [Bogue.Radiolist] | |
adaptive_fps [Bogue.Time] | Create helper functions to help controlling the frame rate of the graphics loop. |
add [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
add [Bogue.Selection] | |
add [Bogue.Timeout] |
add_bar [Bogue.Menu] | Creation of a menu bar in the |
add_connection [Bogue.Widget] | Registers the connection with the widget. |
add_element [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Append the element to the end of the command queue. |
add_get [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Similar to |
add_ignore [Bogue.Timeout] | Same as |
add_screen [Bogue.Popup] | Add a screen on top of the layout. |
add_shortcut [Bogue.Main] | |
animate_alpha [Bogue.Layout] | |
animate_angle [Bogue.Layout] | |
animate_h [Bogue.Layout] | |
animate_w [Bogue.Layout] | |
animate_x [Bogue.Layout] | Assign an Avar to the layout x position. |
animate_y [Bogue.Layout] | |
apply [Bogue.Avar] |
attach [Bogue.Popup] | Generic modal type popup |
auto_scale [Bogue.Layout] | Set the layout to automatically scale its inner rooms when the layout size is modified. |
B | |
bar [Bogue.Menu] | Return a menu layout that will be installed with |
basedir [Bogue.File] | Return the full path of the currently displayed directory. |
black [Bogue.Draw] | |
blue [Bogue.Draw] | |
bold [Bogue.Text_display] | |
box [Bogue.Widget] | Create a Box widget, which simply displays a rectangle, optionally with rounded corners and drop shadow. |
button [Bogue.Widget] | |
button_pos [Bogue.Mouse] | |
buttons_down [Bogue.Trigger] | A list of events containing the mouse_button_down event, and the finger_down event. |
buttons_up [Bogue.Trigger] | A list of events containing the mouse_button_up event, and the finger_up event. |
C | |
cache [Bogue.Sdl_area] | This will insert a special command in the queue that will save the texture obtained at that point, and clear all previous commands in the queue. |
cancel [Bogue.Timeout] | Cancel the Timeout. |
change_volume [Bogue.Mixer] | Multiply sound intensity by a float factor |
check_box [Bogue.Widget] | |
check_box_with_label [Bogue.Widget] |
circle [Bogue.Draw] |
claim_keyboard_focus [Bogue.Layout] | |
clear [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Clear the area (this removes all commands from the render queue). |
clear_cache [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Clear the graphics cache generated by the |
close [Bogue.Mixer] | |
color_bg [Bogue.Layout] | Construct a background from an RGBA color. |
color_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
connect [Bogue.Widget] |
connect_main [Bogue.Widget] | Alias for |
containing_widget [Bogue.Layout] | Search for the room containing the widget, if any. |
create [Bogue.Main] | Create a |
create [Bogue.Window] | Create a window from the given layout. |
create [Bogue.Table] | Create a table by specifying its list of columns; in each column, the entries can be arbitrary layouts. |
create [Bogue.Select] |
create [Bogue.Menu] | Generic menu creation, inserted in the |
create [Bogue.Tabs] | |
create [Bogue.Long_list] | Create a long list through the function |
create [Bogue.Snapshot] | Should be called from the main thread only. |
create [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Create an empty SDL area. |
create [Bogue.Box] | |
create [Bogue.Check] | |
create [Bogue.Button] | The |
create [Bogue.Label] | Create a new |
create [Bogue.Style] | |
create [Bogue.Image] |
create [Bogue.Avar] | Generic Avar creation. |
create [Bogue.Tvar] | |
create [Bogue.Var] |
create_from_svg [Bogue.Image] | Load an svg image. |
create_layout [Bogue.Long_list] | Similar to |
create_mixer [Bogue.Mixer] |
cyan [Bogue.Draw] | |
D | |
dark_grey [Bogue.Draw] | |
darker [Bogue.Draw] | |
debug [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_board [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_code [Bogue.Utils] | Logical ored of |
debug_custom [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_error [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_event [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_graphics [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_io [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_memory [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_thread [Bogue.Utils] | |
debug_warning [Bogue.Utils] | |
default [Bogue.Utils] |
delay [Bogue.File.Monitor] | Return the delay (in seconds) between two polls. |
destroy [Bogue.Window] | Ask Bogue to destroy the window. |
destroy_window [Bogue.Layout] | Emit the destroy_window event to ask Bogue to destroy the SDL window containing the layout. |
dialog [Bogue.File] | Use this function if you need unusual combinations of options. |
disable [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Mark an element for skipping its execution. |
disable_resize [Bogue.Layout] | This makes sure that nothing is executed when someone tries to resize the layout (that is, when the size of the layout's house changes). |
do_option [Bogue.Utils] |
draw_circle [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
draw_line [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
draw_rectangle [Bogue.Sdl_area] |
drawing_size [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Size in physical pixels of the target SDL texture on which you can draw. |
E | |
empty [Bogue.Layout] | An empty layout can reserve some space without stealing focus. |
empty [Bogue.Widget] | Create a widget that does not display anything but still gets focus and reacts to events. |
empty [Bogue.Style] | |
empty [Bogue.Selection] | |
enable [Bogue.Sdl_area] | See |
event_kind [Bogue.Trigger] | Union of |
example [Bogue.Text_display] | |
exit_on_escape [Bogue.Main] | The |
F | |
fade_in [Bogue.Layout] | Animate the alpha channel of the layout. |
fade_out [Bogue.Layout] | See |
filename [Bogue.File] | |
fill_circle [Bogue.Sdl_area] | |
fill_rectangle [Bogue.Sdl_area] | |
find_color [Bogue.Draw] | Convert a string of the form |
find_share [Bogue.Theme] |
finger_pos [Bogue.Mouse] | |
first [Bogue.Selection] | |
fit_content [Bogue.Layout] | Adapt the size of the layout (and their houses) to the disposition of the contained rooms. |
fix_content [Bogue.Layout] | Disable automatic resizing of the rooms inside this layout. |
flat [Bogue.Layout] | Create a horizontal arrangement from a list of rooms. |
flat_of_w [Bogue.Layout] | Horizontal arrangement of widgets. |
fold [Bogue.Selection] | |
follow_mouse [Bogue.Layout] | |
font_from_file [Bogue.Label] | Define a font by specifying a filename of a TTF file. |
fromto [Bogue.Avar] |
fromto_unif [Bogue.Avar] | Similar to |
full_height [Bogue.Space] | |
full_width [Bogue.Space] | This will set the width of the room (layout) in order to occupy the whole width of its house. |
G | |
get [Bogue.Avar] | Start the animation (if necessary) and compute the current value of the variable. |
get [Bogue.Tvar] | |
get [Bogue.Var] | |
get_box [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_button [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_check [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_content [Bogue.Layout] | |
get_empty [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_font_path_opt [Bogue.Theme] |
get_frame [Bogue.Main] | Number of displayed frames since startup. |
get_image [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_index [Bogue.Radiolist] | |
get_label [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_layout [Bogue.File] | Return the layout containing the whole file dialog except for the "select" and "cancel" buttons. |
get_layout [Bogue.Table] | Use this layout to display your table. |
get_layout [Bogue.Long_list] | |
get_max [Bogue.Slider] | |
get_monitor_refresh_rate [Bogue.Main] |
get_oldx [Bogue.Layout] | Return the last computed value for the relative x position of the layout. |
get_oldy [Bogue.Layout] | |
get_path [Bogue.Theme] |
get_physical_size [Bogue.Layout] | multiplies |
get_rooms [Bogue.Layout] | |
get_scroll [Bogue.Long_list] | Return the scroll percentage of the Long list, between 0 and 1. |
get_sdl_area [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_selected [Bogue.File] | Return the (alphabetically sorted) list of selected files or directories. |
get_selection [Bogue.Table] | Which rows were selected by the user. |
get_shortcut [Bogue.Main] | |
get_size [Bogue.Layout] |
get_slider [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_state [Bogue.Widget] | Query a boolean state. |
get_style [Bogue.Box] | |
get_text [Bogue.Widget] | Return the text of the widget. |
get_text_display [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_text_input [Bogue.Widget] | |
get_texture [Bogue.Sdl_area] | |
get_window_pos [Bogue.Layout] | Return the window position within the desktop, in physical pixels. |
getx [Bogue.Layout] | Compute the relative x position of the room with respect to its house, using animations if any. |
gety [Bogue.Layout] | |
go [Bogue.Utils] | Transform a |
gradient [Bogue.Style] | |
green [Bogue.Draw] | |
grey [Bogue.Draw] | |
H | |
has_element [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Check whether the element belongs to the command queue. |
has_resident [Bogue.Layout] | |
height [Bogue.Layout] | |
hfill [Bogue.Space] | When used in a |
hgradient [Bogue.Style] | |
hide [Bogue.Layout] | See |
hide_window [Bogue.Layout] | Hide the window containing the layout. |
html [Bogue.Widget] | Display basic html text by interpreting the following tags: |
I | |
icon [Bogue.Widget] | Create a Label widget with a FontAwesome icon. |
icon [Bogue.Label] | Create a |
image [Bogue.Widget] | Load image file. |
image_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
image_copy [Bogue.Widget] | Return a new "Image" widget linked to the same image (same underlying
image_from_svg [Bogue.Widget] | Requires |
imax [Bogue.Utils] |
imin [Bogue.Utils] |
info [Bogue.Popup] | Add to the layout a modal popup with a text and a close button. |
init [Bogue.Mixer] | Initialize SDL audio. |
inside [Bogue.Layout] | |
intersect [Bogue.Selection] | Not tail-recursive |
invert [Bogue.Selection] |
is_empty [Bogue.Selection] | |
is_pressed [Bogue.Button] | |
is_shown [Bogue.Layout] | |
italic [Bogue.Text_display] | |
iter [Bogue.Selection] | |
iter_unload_textures [Bogue.Layout] | Use this to free the textures stored by the layout (and its children) for reducing memory. |
K | |
keep_bottom [Bogue.Space] | |
keep_right [Bogue.Space] | |
key_down [Bogue.Trigger] | Same as Tsdl.Sdl.Event.key_down |
key_up [Bogue.Trigger] | Same as Tsdl.Sdl.Event.key_up |
L | |
label [Bogue.Widget] | Create a Label widget with a one-line text. |
label_color [Bogue.Draw] | |
last [Bogue.Selection] | |
layout [Bogue.Radiolist] | The layout to display the radiolist. |
layout_down [Bogue.Print] | Print a layout with all its rooms and subrooms (children). |
layout_error [Bogue.Print] | Print a message to stderr and dump the top_house structure to a temporary file. |
layout_up [Bogue.Print] | Print the layout node and all the rooms (houses, or parents) in which it is contained. |
let@ [Bogue.File] |
let@ [Bogue.Utils] | |
lighter [Bogue.Draw] | |
line [Bogue.Draw] | |
load_chunk [Bogue.Mixer] | Load a WAV file. |
lock [Bogue.Layout] | |
ls [Bogue.File.Monitor] |
lstat_opt [Bogue.File] | |
M | |
magenta [Bogue.Draw] | |
make [Bogue.Main] | Similar to |
make_clip [Bogue.Layout] | Clip a layout inside a smaller container and make it scrollable, and optionally add a scrollbar widget. |
make_hfill [Bogue.Space] | |
make_sdl_windows [Bogue.Main] | This is only useful if you have your own graphics loop, and do not use
make_vfill [Bogue.Space] | Like |
map_option [Bogue.Utils] |
map_text [Bogue.Widget] |
maximize_width [Bogue.Window] | See remarks in |
mem [Bogue.Selection] | |
min_height [Bogue.Table] | Same remark. |
min_width [Bogue.Table] | Hint for minimum width of the table layout; it's up to the user to enforce this. |
mk_border [Bogue.Style] | Note: currently, a border with positive |
mk_line [Bogue.Style] | |
mk_shadow [Bogue.Style] | |
modified [Bogue.File.Monitor] | Return three lists of file (or directory) names that have been modified
since last call of this function or of |
mouse_at_rest [Bogue.Trigger] | Triggered when the mouse did not move for a while. |
mouse_enter [Bogue.Trigger] | The |
mouse_leave [Bogue.Trigger] | Similar to |
mouse_over [Bogue.Widget] | |
N | |
nice_delay [Bogue.Trigger] |
none [Bogue.Draw] |
normal [Bogue.Text_display] | |
now [Bogue.Time] | Time elapsed from the initialization of SDL (roughly, since the start of your program). |
O | |
of_array [Bogue.Table] | Create a table from an array of rows, each row being a string array. |
of_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
of_border [Bogue.Style] | |
of_layout [Bogue.Main] | Similar to |
of_layouts [Bogue.Main] | Similar to |
of_list [Bogue.Table] | Create a table from a list of rows, each row being a string list. |
of_list [Bogue.Selection] | |
of_shadow [Bogue.Style] | |
of_widgets [Bogue.Radiolist] | |
of_windows [Bogue.Main] | Synonym for |
on_button_release [Bogue.Widget] | Similar to |
on_click [Bogue.Widget] | Uses |
on_close [Bogue.Window] | Modify the |
on_release [Bogue.Widget] |
on_resize [Bogue.Layout] |
on_unload [Bogue.Empty] | |
one_button [Bogue.Popup] | Add to |
one_step [Bogue.Main] | This is only useful if you have your own graphics loop, and do not use
opaque [Bogue.Draw] | |
opaque_bg [Bogue.Layout] | Construct a background from an RGB (ie non-transparent) color. |
opaque_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
oscillate [Bogue.Layout] | |
oscillate [Bogue.Avar] |
P | |
page [Bogue.Text_display] | |
pale [Bogue.Draw] | |
pale_grey [Bogue.Draw] | |
para [Bogue.Text_display] | |
paragraphs_of_string [Bogue.Text_display] | |
path [Bogue.File.Monitor] | Return the monitored path. |
pause [Bogue.Mixer] | |
pi [Bogue.Utils] | |
play_chunk [Bogue.Mixer] | Play chunk on the desired track number. |
pointer_motion [Bogue.Trigger] | A list of events containing the mouse_motion event, and the finger_motion event. |
pointer_pos [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Position of the pointer (mouse or touchscreen that has generated the event) in physical pixels, with respect to the top-left corner of the Sdl_area. |
pointer_pos [Bogue.Mouse] | Return the pointer current position. |
pos [Bogue.Mouse] | Get current mouse position. |
printd [Bogue.Utils] | For instance |
progress [Bogue.Avar] |
protect_fn [Bogue.Var] | |
push [Bogue.Update] | Register a widget for being updated (at next frame) by the main loop. |
push [Bogue.Sync] |
push_close [Bogue.Layout] | Emit the close-window event to the window containing the layout, as if the user clicked on the close button. |
push_quit [Bogue.Trigger] | Send the SDL_QUIT event, as if the user clicked on the close button of the last existing window. |
Q | |
quit [Bogue.Main] | Use this to close SDL windows and cleanup memory, after |
quit [Bogue.Draw] | Cleanup and quit SDL. |
R | |
random_color [Bogue.Draw] | |
range [Bogue.Selection] | |
raw [Bogue.Text_display] | |
rectangle [Bogue.Draw] |
red [Bogue.Draw] | |
reflat [Bogue.Layout] | Adjust an existing layout to arrange its rooms in a "flat" fashion, as if
they were created by |
refresh_custom_windows [Bogue.Main] | Ask the GUI to refresh (ie. |
remove [Bogue.Selection] | |
remove_element [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Remove the |
remove_option [Bogue.Utils] | Like |
remove_shortcut [Bogue.Main] | |
replace [Bogue.Text_display] |
replace_room [Bogue.Layout] | Replace |
reset [Bogue.Button] | |
reset [Bogue.Avar] | |
resident [Bogue.Layout] | Create a layout (=room) from a single Widget (=resident). |
resize_keep_margins [Bogue.Layout] | When asked to resize, the layout will keep the initial 4 margins with respect to its house. |
retower [Bogue.Layout] | |
rich_text [Bogue.Widget] | |
room_margin [Bogue.Theme] | |
rotate [Bogue.Layout] | Rotate all widgets inside the layout around their respective centers. |
round [Bogue.Utils] | Round float to nearest integer. |
run [Bogue.Main] | This is finally how you run your app! It creates the SDL windows
associated with the |
run [Bogue.Utils] |
S | |
save_as [Bogue.File] | Similar to |
scale_int [Bogue.Theme] | Conversion: Bogue dimension -> hardware pixel dimension. |
sdl_area [Bogue.Widget] | See |
select_dir [Bogue.File] | Similar to |
select_dirs [Bogue.File] | Similar to |
select_file [Bogue.File] |
select_files [Bogue.File] | Similar to |
separator [Bogue.Menu] | |
set [Bogue.Slider] | Set a new value. |
set [Bogue.Label] | Modify the text of the label. |
set [Bogue.Tvar] | |
set [Bogue.Var] |
set_alpha [Bogue.Draw] | |
set_background [Bogue.Layout] | |
set_background [Bogue.Box] | |
set_check_state [Bogue.Widget] | |
set_color [Bogue.Draw] | Equivalent to |
set_cursor [Bogue.Layout] | Set the current cursor to the default value for this layout. |
set_cursor [Bogue.Widget] | Set the cursor that should be displayed for this widget. |
set_enabled [Bogue.Layout] | Disable or enable a layout and all its rooms recursively. |
set_fg_color [Bogue.Label] | Modify the color of the text. |
set_file [Bogue.Image] | |
set_height [Bogue.Layout] | |
set_index [Bogue.Radiolist] | Set the selected entry to the specified index and directly activate the
button's connections with the |
set_int_scale [Bogue.Theme] | Set |
set_label_font [Bogue.Theme] | |
set_options [Bogue.File] | |
set_rooms [Bogue.Layout] | Modify the layout content by replacing the former content by a new list of rooms. |
set_scale [Bogue.Theme] | |
set_scroll [Bogue.Long_list] | |
set_selection [Bogue.Table] | |
set_shadow [Bogue.Layout] | |
set_show [Bogue.Layout] | |
set_size [Bogue.Window] | Set window size in physical pixels. |
set_size [Bogue.Layout] | |
set_state [Bogue.Widget] | Set a boolean state. |
set_style [Bogue.Box] | |
set_system_cursor [Bogue.Draw] | Set the mouse cursor to be the standard system cursor. |
set_text [Bogue.Widget] | Change the text of a widget. |
set_text_color [Bogue.Draw] | Overrides the |
set_text_font [Bogue.Theme] | |
set_texture [Bogue.Sdl_area] | |
set_wheel_speed [Bogue.Mouse] | Set the speed of vertical scrolling via the mouse wheel and touchpad. |
set_width [Bogue.Layout] |
set_window_pos [Bogue.Layout] |
setx [Bogue.Layout] | |
sety [Bogue.Layout] | |
shortcuts_add [Bogue.Main] | |
shortcuts_add_ctrl [Bogue.Main] | |
shortcuts_add_ctrl_shift [Bogue.Main] | |
shortcuts_empty [Bogue.Main] | |
shortcuts_of_list [Bogue.Main] | Construct shortcuts from a list of (SDL keycode, SDL keymod, action). |
should_exit [Bogue.Trigger] | Tell if the current thread should exit. |
show [Bogue.Layout] | Does nothing if the layout is already fully displayed. |
show_window [Bogue.Layout] | Make the window containing the layout appear onscreen, using |
sienna [Bogue.Draw] | |
size [Bogue.File.Monitor] | If |
size [Bogue.Widget] | If the widget is not rendered yet, a default size may be returned instead of the true size. |
size [Bogue.Slider] | |
size [Bogue.Label] | Return the logical size (w,h). |
size [Bogue.Selection] | Number of selected integers |
slide_in [Bogue.Layout] | |
slide_to [Bogue.Layout] |
slider [Bogue.Widget] | |
slider_with_action [Bogue.Widget] | Create a slider that executes an action each time the local value of the slider is modified by the user. |
sort_column [Bogue.Table] | |
sprint [Bogue.Selection] | |
start [Bogue.File.Monitor] |
startup [Bogue.Trigger] | The |
stat_opt [Bogue.File] | The |
state [Bogue.Check] | |
state [Bogue.Button] | |
stop [Bogue.File.Monitor] | Kill the monitoring process. |
stop_pos [Bogue.Layout] | Stop animations of the variables x and y. |
strikethrough [Bogue.Text_display] | |
style_bg [Bogue.Layout] | Construct a background from the given |
superpose [Bogue.Layout] | Create a new layout by superposing a list of layouts without changing their (x,y) position. |
T | |
test [Bogue.Mixer] | |
text [Bogue.Text_input] | |
text_display [Bogue.Widget] | |
text_input [Bogue.Widget] |
text_input [Bogue.Trigger] | Same as Tsdl.Sdl.Event.text_input |
theme_bg [Bogue.Layout] | This is the background constructed from the current theme's BG_COLOR. |
theme_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
to_cursor [Bogue.Snapshot] | |
to_list [Bogue.Selection] | |
to_pixels [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Convert BOGUE logical coordinates into pixel coordinates usable for the SDL area. |
to_pixels [Bogue.Draw] | Convert BOGUE logical coordinates into hardware pixel coordinates. |
toggle [Bogue.Selection] | |
tooltip [Bogue.Popup] |
top_house [Bogue.Layout] | Return the top of the layout tree (the "house" that contains the given layout and that is not contained in another layout). |
tower [Bogue.Layout] | Create a vertical arrangement from a list of rooms. |
tower_of_w [Bogue.Layout] | Vertical arrangement of widgets. |
transp [Bogue.Draw] | |
triggers [Bogue.Text_input] | The list of events that a Text_input can react to. |
triggers [Bogue.Slider] | The list of events that a Slider can react to. |
two_buttons [Bogue.Popup] | If |
type_string [Bogue.File.Mime] |
U | |
uint_filter [Bogue.Text_input] | |
underline [Bogue.Text_display] | |
union [Bogue.Selection] | Not tail-recursive |
unload_background [Bogue.Layout] | Free the texture associated with the background (if any). |
unlock [Bogue.Layout] | In general, modifying a layout should by done by the main Thread or by
using a |
unpause [Bogue.Mixer] | |
unscale_size [Bogue.Draw] | Transform a size (W,H) in physical pixels into 'logical' pixels (w,h), which are used for layouts. |
update [Bogue.Widget] |
update [Bogue.Sdl_area] | Force the area to be re-drawn at the next graphics frame. |
update [Bogue.Trigger] | Currently the |
update_verbatim [Bogue.Text_display] | |
user_event [Bogue.Trigger] | Same as |
V | |
value [Bogue.Slider] | Get current value. |
var [Bogue.Avar] | Create an Avar which behaves like a normal Var (no animation). |
var_changed [Bogue.Trigger] | The |
verbatim [Bogue.Widget] | |
vertical [Bogue.Radiolist] | A radiolist with the usual vertical layout of items. |
vfill [Bogue.Space] | When used in a |
vgradient [Bogue.Style] | |
video_init [Bogue.Draw] | Manually init the SDL video system, and detect the scaling factor used by Bogue. |
W | |
wait_for [Bogue.Trigger] | SDL Misc |
was_modified [Bogue.File.Monitor] | Simply returns true if files were modified since the last call of this
function or of |
wheel_y [Bogue.Mouse] | |
white [Bogue.Draw] | |
widget [Bogue.Layout] | Return the resident widget, or |
width [Bogue.Layout] | |
will_exit [Bogue.Trigger] | A nice thread should do this just before terminating. |
window_opt [Bogue.Layout] | Return the SDL window containing the layout. |
window_pos [Bogue.Mouse] | Return the mouse position with respect to the given window, using window position if necessary. |
with_bg [Bogue.Style] | |
with_border [Bogue.Style] | |
with_protect [Bogue.Var] |
with_shadow [Bogue.Style] | |
X | |
xpos [Bogue.Layout] | get current absolute x position of the layout (relative to the top-left corner of the window). |
Y | |
yellow [Bogue.Draw] | |
yesno [Bogue.Popup] | Add to the layout a modal popup with two yes/no buttons. |
ypos [Bogue.Layout] | see |
Z | |
zoom [Bogue.Layout] |